Friday, December 16, 2011


Deadlifts: 385 x 5, 405 x 5, 435 x 5
GoodMornings: 135 x 10 x 5
AbRollerThingys: 5 sets of 10

It's amazing how sore I've been getting from some really short workouts.  I suppose you really do get out of a workout what you put into it.  Nah, that can't be true.  I put in flesh from my shins and hands, blood, sweat, chalk, and snot.  All I got out of it was a limp and residual pain in my entire posterior chain.  Bit of a gross recipe if you think about it.  I wonder if you could boil into a hot drink for a cold winter night.  Possibly for the Holidays.  Yak-nogg!  The new holiday tradition!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Encouraged after listening to Spoken last night, I pulled off a late night workout.  Also, I really didn't want to get up early this morning.  I figured it would be a loss of sleep either way, so I chose to do it when I still had some calories on board.  Last night was my first workout (5/5/5) with incline bench.  It was kind of trippy cuz I didn't know what to expect.  It's such a different creature than flat bench or standing presses and I've never really done heavy inclines.  So they went: 240 x 5, 255 x 5, 270 x 5.  The last set was hard.  Well, the first set was hard.  The last set sucked asphalt.  After regaining sight in both eyes, I cleaned the bar to 135 and did four sets of ten supersetted with standing log presses.  My triceps and shoulders were weeping on the inside.  I, however, was crying like a blithering idiot.  I wasn't expecting this kind of triceps torture from this workout.  Hopefully, there will be some really good carry over to my flat bench.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Morning

I'm going to take a break from overhead pressing for a cycle.  I just finished up the first positive 5/3/1 cycle I've had in many moon and I would like to keep that momentum going, but I've decided to do incline bench rather than standing presses for this go.  The theory is that I can handle more weight on this lift and that should give me more bar control when I go back to pressing overhead.  So this morning I opted to get a 1RM on incline bench rather than some deload workout.  To my surprise, I squeeged out 315 for a single.  I was pretty happy with that.  I've never been able to press over 300 on a steep incline bench. Course, I haven't spend a great deal of time trying either. This should be a fun and productive cycle.  I feel like I'm pretty solid on all my lifts right now and hopefully I'll see some gains this go around that I haven't accomplished in a while.  Happy Thursday everyone.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow Miser

21 degrees in the gym this morning.  Took a bit of effort and a lot of coffee to get warm.
Squats: 5 x 375, 3 x 425, 2 x 475, 20 x 315
I might could of sqenched out another with 475 but I hadn't eaten yet and the second one juiced me pretty bad.  Would have been a total gamble that I was too cold to make.  Was warm (and dizzy) after the last set.
One leg squats: BW x 10 x 4
Sidebends: 65lbs x 10 x 4
Then  I nearly busted my arse walking across the lake of ice that was once my driveway.  It's an interesting feeling slipping around on ice when you have absolutely no strength left in the lower quadrant.
Let's see....Oh, I did bench on Saturday.  That went 270 x 5, 310 x 3, and 345 for an easy single.  Should've pushed out at least one more, but I was in a hurry to get to Abilene to see the new Twilgiht movie.  Well, OK.  Meg was in a hurry to see it for her birthday, and we were getting rid of the kids for the night, and I got a belt sander outta the deal for an early Christmas present.  Yay!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three Dead Trolls In A Handbag

I made a little headway with my deadlifts last night.  Or, at least I was able to move some weight off the ground.  A task which has been eluding me the last couple of months.  This was the 5/3/1 portion of the cycle.
DL: 375 x 5, 425 x 3, 475 x 3
Then I did a bunch of bent over rows and heavy band pull-thrus.  My grip was shot and my low back was no longer supporting my torso.  Mission accomplished and stuff.  I was going to run this morning.  But I didn't.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fried Turkey increases shoulder strength

Monday was overhead press day.  I wasn't feeling especially good about lifting, but I knew running was out of the question and I was in desperate need of some kind of detox.  Presses went like this:

200 x 5
210 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1 (new pr)
The twenty pound pr was a big surprise.  In fact, I threw the weight on as more of mental game to keep my mind from becoming afraid of supra max weight.  I was actually caught off gaurd that it went, and then terrified to realize that my core supporters were rapidly turning into jello jigglers.  It just goes to show that several consecutive days of gluttony can be beneficial.  And that I need to do more ab work.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Ok. So I've got a few minutes to get caught up here.  I want to list out the high points of the last couple weeks efforts.  Should be a fairly boring read which I wouldn't recommend, but I wanted to get it posted for my own archival purposes.

Starting on Monday, Nov. 7th.
OH Press: 180 x 5, 190 x 5, 200 x 5

Deadlift: 375 x 5, 400 x 5, 425 x 5
Sumo DL: 225 x 10 x 5

Flat Bench Press: 270 x 5, 290 x 5, 310 x 5
Incline Bench Press: 185 x 10 x 3, 185 x 8, 185 x 6

Squats: 375 x 5, 400 x 5, 425 x 5
Squats (no belt): 225 x 10 x 5

*OH Press: 190 x 3, 200 x 3, 215 x 5

Deadlift: 400 x 3, 425 x 3, 450 x 3

Flat Bench Press: 290 x 3, 310 x 3, 325 x 5
Flat Bench Press: 225 x 10 x 3, 225 x 8, 225 x 6

*I've decided that I'm OK with using some leg drive in the heavier overhead presses (85-100% 1RM).  This changes the excersise to something one might call a push press and makes it more dynamic than static pressing.  Some purists may claim that if I can't press the weight statically then I should lower the weight. Here are three reasons those people are jackasses.
  1. This is a functional strength exercise in my program, not a bodybuilding movement.   I can't think of a real world scenario when you wouldn't use your legs to lift something heavy overhead.
  2. There is no competition for static overhead pressing and therefore no strict rules.  Olympic lifters and strongmen both press overhead in competition, but they use as much leg drive as humanly possible.  The bench press is probably the most similar competitive lift.  If you're not using leg drive in the bench, you're doing it wrong.
  3. You're lumbar spine will thank you when you bend your knees to absorb the eccentric portion of the lift.  A belt helps, but doesn't offer the same protection as in exercises where you're condensing your torso rather than elongating it.
Now, that being said I gotta point out that I still base my 1RM on a single controlled static press.  Because of the nature of this lift, a single rep begins and ends in eccentric contraction.  Generally speaking, a muscle group is about 40% stronger in eccentric contraction than in concentric contraction.  Assuming that you can lock the weigh out for a new shiny PR, you should be able to lower the weight under control with very little risk of injury.  In my opinion, that risk changes dramatically when you up the rep count.  You will begin to sacrifice control for energy conservation to complete high weight, multi-rep sets.

I'm done now.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I just registered for the Central Texas Tough Mudder on March 31.  Fortunately, I made myself a walking advertisement for the company in exchange for a voucher to this event.  That saved me $135 I wont have to panhandle for.  I haven't missed an iron workout in two weeks.  Haven't really been inspired to post em because they've mostly been boring and uneventfull.  I've slacked so much the last few months none of my numbers have improved, so I'm pretty much just retracing my steps right now.  It's been a couple weeks since I've run as well.  Gotta get that started back up propper.  I'd really like to run this TM at 200lbs.  That gives me four months to drop 15lbs.  It'll just be sad if I can't pull that off.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Would somebody presently living in civilization please grab me a couple of the 11/11/11 Stone Vertical Epics please?  That would be mighty decent of you.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good Juju

Deadlifts last night.  First time I can remember pulling from the ground in recent history.  Honestly, I cant remember the last time I did any pulling, but it went pretty well in spite.  Went 380 x 5, 400 x 5, 425 x 5.  then did 225lbs for 5 sets of 10 sans the belt.  That rubbed a blister on my soul.  Did some situps and some ab-roller thingys and called it good.
Bryant and I finished up tiling the bathroom floor.  I've gotta say that's it looking mighty fine.  Some day soon I'll have a bathroom worthy of getting naked and wet in.

...That last bit was for the search engines....I'm trying to up  my page hits.  :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Finally got back in my own gym for a regularly scheduled workout.   All the traveling and general slothfulness of the last several weeks has been eating away at me.  I don't think I have to go anywhere for a while, so I'm looking forward to getting back on track.  I'm not even thinking about gains right now, just pure old boring consistency.  That's where I've always found my biggest gains anyhow.  The time change should help out my morning runs.  Unless something unexpected comes up, this could be a fairly healthy winter.  And I'm gonna ski this year if I have to sell my liver ( although, I don't think it will fetch much).

Monday, October 31, 2011


I went for about a thirty minute bike ride yesterday.  No hills, no wind.  Rather cool.  It was kind of fun, but my hands cramped up on me horribly.  Guess I'll just have to get used that again.  Other than that I've done absoluelty nothing excersicesy.  And now we're going to load up and drive to Little Rock for Meg's grandmother's funeral service. Wont be back till sometime late Thursday.  I'm hoping I can get a run or something in while there.  I'm soooo ready to get on a normal schedule for a while.  I'm getting a bit travel weary.  Please pray for safe travels, eh?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eclectic Metroflexing

You can tell the value of a gym by the size of it's dumbbells.  I'm sure - metaphorically speaking -  that line could be used in a pharmaceutical ad somewhere.  Whatever.  I actually wiped spider webs off some old York cast irons today to play with them and see what it felt like to hoist up some old time strong man iron.  Pretty cool to be honest.  I brought no gear with me on this trip so I wanted to stick with dumbbells and body weight kind of stuff. And I really needed to get off my ass and out from behind a monitor.  I worked up to a set of 5 reps with 120lbs DBs (flat bench).  Its amazing how taxing it is just to get settled with those things.  They're massive, but not the smallest the gym has.  they've got 200 pounders there but I'm not sure how you would get set with those even with some strong spotters. Moved on to dips on fat bars.  No chain belts there but rather  short lengths of chain that could only have come for a shipping yard.  I did a bunch of pullups on various bars, some kettle-bell swings, and stood in front of a huge fan a bunch.  It was great exercise, but I can't get used to the humidity here.  I still consider houston a slice of hell, but at least this pile of steel and concrete make it a bit like home.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Wanted to post up my last workout before I forget.
Bench press: 270 x 5, 295 x 5, 310 x 5
Floor Press: 225 x 10 x 5  Good clean fun here.

I'm in Houston till Thursday, so if anyone gets bored dont hesitate to give me a shout.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mission Accomplished

I started a new cycle yesterday after a week of mostly being off.  the week before that was pretty lame as well in anticipation of the spirited mud run.  This week kicks off a brand new cycle of pure 5/3/1 fun.  I've dropped off the programs I was doing for deadlift and bench because they were boring, overly complicated, and altogether uninspirational.  So to kick off the party I decide yesterday to go in and just do squats until I couldn't do anymore squats.  Mission accomplished.  worked up to 375 x 5, 400 x 5, 425, x 5.  Then did 5 sets of ten deep reps with 225lbs.  I think if I'd tried to do one more squat I would have ceased to exist.  Finished up with some weighted sit-ups.  It's tricky doing sit-ups when your lower quadrant is completely numb.  Walking back to the house was exercise in humility.  Then my pride got the better of me and I decided that it would be good to run this morning.  So I drag out of bed for a twenty minute run.  typically after about 10 minutes I start to get warm and loose and I begin to enjoy the run.  That never happened today.  It was fifty degrees, pitch black, and the wind was blowing a solid twenty mph.  And I still couldn't feel my legs. Which was probably good cuz they would have otherwise been cold and really grumpy.  It's amazing how much a week off can suck. I think I should have just manned up and muscled through it.  Rest is overrated and degrading at best.  Cheers, ya'll.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Moving about

Forced myself back in the gym last night.  I really didn't want to at all, but as usual it turned out to be a good decision.  I decided to go with some moderate bench pressing because my hips were still freaking out from the run last Saturday.  Worked up to 290lbs for four sets of five.  My right forearm felt like it was going to snap in half by the time I got up to 135lbs.  That went away after a few sets but I realized that every boney protrusion on my body is bruised.  That kindof sucks, but it kind of reminds me that I accomplished something.  I haven't been able to claim an accomplishment of any form is quite some time.  I think I'll keep one of those on the horizon to train for.  I'd sure like to run the one in March at around 14 stone.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And Now...The Moment You've Been Waiting For...

yeah, so iPhones don't take the best video in the world, but our video camera decided to take a poop on us at the event.  Meg improvised accordingly and got herself a pretty workout in the making.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Holy Half Marathon, Batman!

So I looked at the tough mudder site to see if any new updates had been posted.  They updated the map!  It's now 12 miles with an expected three hour finish time.  I hope they are selling hamburgers along the way.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3 days 44 mins

So far I've taken it pretty easy this week.  I was going to try and push it early on, but I just havent had the juice.  Monday I got a solid 8 hours sleep.  That was my workout for the day and it was marvelous.  Yesterday I did a bunch of dips and pullups while Megan lifted.  Then I drug the 100lbs sled a little over half a mile just to get my heart rate up a bit.  We got up and walked about a mile and a half this morning.  I think I'm going to try to keep it about this pace the rest of the week.  No heavy lifting or running.  Obviously, no drinking.  Haven't a clue what my weight is right now.  I'm guessing around 214ish.  I'm pretty sure I can de-bloat down to around 210 by Saturday.  I really wanted to be down to 200, but I have no real self control.  For the most part, I'm OK with that.  Cheers!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm eight days out from the Tough Mudder.  I think its going to be a right good time.  Last night was overhead presses: 185 x 3, 200 x 3, 210 x 3.  I didn't really feel like lifting anymore after that so I took the sled with 100lbs out for a half mile walk to get the heart rate up for a few minutes.  It worked.  One hour run this morning.  I stayed on the pavement today.  My feet have been cramping up pretty bad and I think its because of the beating they're taking running on rocky lease roads.  I think I'm going to take tomorrow and Saturday off from running and hopefully do a run in A town on Sunday. 

Reminder: wet saw.  mountain bike.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


finally stacked enough workouts to have something to write about.  I'll start with this morning and see if I can work my way backwards to last Thursday.  50 min run this morning and then about a 20 min walk with the Megan.  Felt really slow, but it turned out to be just slightly slower than 10min miles (which by most standards is quite slow) and I'm OK with that at current weight.  Last night was squats: 420 x 3, 445 x 3, and 470 x 3.  The last set was sloppy, but I'm pretty sure I hit depth on all three and called it good.  Wanted five, but it just wasn't there.  followed that up with a few sets of body weight one leg squats and hanging leg lifts.  Then spun on the stationary bike a medium/hard pace for about ten minutes.  I stayed pretty active through the weekend working in the yard.  The highlight was carry 320lbs of concrete from the barn to the house and mixing it all with a shovel.  Great ab workout.  Friday night was bench.  Did five sets of 10 reps with 235lbs.  Talk about mundane.  Anyway, my titties were pretty soar yesterday so it had to do some good.  Thursday night was deadlifts from the Andy Bolton "How to pull a grand" program.  Worked up to a set of 5 with 385lbs.  Seemed kind of lame a the time and seems even more so now writing down.  However, this was the first time I've pulled from the ground in several weeks.  It's too early to tell whether the heavy rack pulls have any crossover value at all.  If nothing else, I think my grip has gotten stronger for  the effort.  slightly less than two weeks out from the Tough Mudder.  Check this out:

Tough Mudder Colorado 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


After a poo then a run and then another poo, I was back down to 212.5 this morning.  This is good.  I wanted to be closer to 200 by now, but I'm not complaining.  The weight that I've lost thus far appears to be real and not just a water dump.  Did militaries last night: 170 x 5, 180 x 5, 195 x 5.  Then did five sets of ten (militaries) with 100lbs and about 40 pullups in several sets between.  It was a pretty vanilla workout, but it did the job.  This morning I ran my five mile loop.  its starting to get chilly out before the sun comes up so I got to put on my beanie today.  Kind of nice to start breaking out the cool weather gear.  Of course it was a sopping wet sweat rag by the time I got back to the house, but it made feel cool all the same.  beanies and full beards go really well together.  Especially when running down a country road in west texas when its pitch black out.  Its only a matter of time before some farmer bumps me off to make sure I'm not a serial killer or al-qaeda.

Friday, September 16, 2011


got in some squat action last night.  It was naught more than an odious reprisal for sandbagging this entire week.  it was a weird one for sure.  for one thing, it was about 60 degrees out.  Not that i'm complaining, but I'm not so used to working out with a wind chill factor. the working sets went like this: 385 x 5, 410 x 5, 435 x 5.  The weight didn't feel terribly heavy, I just couldn't find any explosive drive.  More hydraulic than springy.  Anyhow, I was completely spent after the squats.  I tried some rack pulls but I just wasn't feeling it.  So I left.  I couldn't get to sleep until around 2am which made for a glorious run-free morning.  and I've somehow managed to pack on 9 lbs of bloat and poo over the last two days.  I don't even know how that's possible.  I don't know if true that "scales don't lie", but either way mine is a dirty bastard.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Slow week

this week has been dreadfully boring.  I've gotten a few things done around the house, but my workouts have been almost non existent.  finally got a bench workout in Tuesday evening.  Warmed up to five sets of five with 270.  I hope this cycle I'm doing actually improves my bench.  So far it's been a little challenging, but mostly just boring.  Did a half hour run at a pretty good pace Tuesday morning.  Perhaps tonight I'll get in squats and deads.  I've definitely gotta get back out on the highway and put some more miles in this week.  Looks like we might actually get some rain today.  That would be a colossal giant happy chocolate-dipped-in-honey blessing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Well, there it is.

1:38:25 run.  Beautiful morning for it.  Happy Saturday all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week of it

Not a bad week so far.  The holiday on Monday through us a bit, but I'm back on track.  bit short on running so far this week.  Tuesday was bench press.  Went 5 x 5 with 250.  Seemed easy at the time, but my boobies are sufficiently traumatized now.  Did my five mile run in 48 min Wed morning.  That was a nice surprise cuz I had a lot of trouble getting warmed up.  then did squats and deads Wed evening.  Squats: 380 x 5, 425 x 3, 475 x 2.  475 felt like a ton.  I'm loving the running, but I don't think its improving my squats.  Rack pulls went: 4 sets of 5 w/ 405, then a double with 505.  Three sets of 5 speed deads with 245.  Not a bad day of it.  My right leg actually took a vacation a bit later and I nearly fell on my face.  It was like "F you, buddy!  I'm done." in mid-stride.  Pretty funny.  so I didn't run this morning but we did get up and do an upper back an ab workout.  Nothing real heavy, just fun and pumpy body weight stuff.  Meg is really starting to get into it.  She still doesn't dig the morning stuff, but she's playing along.  Should be a short run in the morning and then militaries tomorrow afternoon.  I'm hoping to get a 1:40 run this weekend.  Cheers, ya'll.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Did a half hour run this morning.  that 1.5hr run on Wed did a number on my right knee.  Just inflammation, but it's slowed me down the last couple of days.  Anyhoot, Ma and Pa Kettle are coming down for the weekend.  Please pray for my health!  Yeah, that's about all I got so I'm posting up some pics of a bookshelf I painted for the boys school room.  Haven't painted anything in a coon's age.  Still kinda fun.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Run Forest, Ruuuunnnn

so the 5K on Saturday went as well as I expected.  Managed roughly 10min miles to finish in 33:10.  They started it a little after 9:00am and it was allready too bloody hot to be running.  I took off with a buddy that is in far better running shape than me.  I was running at about 175bpms before I realized it and backed off.  Never could get my HR back under 165.  Heat sux.  Oh well, it was a fun training run.  It's a bit depressing that it takes nothing more than a local 5K in Snyder to let me know how slow I am.
Monday was rushed and boring military press workout.  Got through it, that's about it.
Yesterday I did nothing.
This mornig I did a 1.5 hour run.  I was going for an 1:10, but I bought that Mumford and Sons album and ended up listening to the whole thing twice through.  Great album, by the way.  I've a feeling the heavy squats this evening are going to be pretty unforgiving.  My legs are already screaming at me.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Did a soul cleansing workout on Wed.
Squats: 405 x 3, 425 x 3, 455 x 3.
Rack pulls: 315 x 8, 405 x 5, 505 x 3
Speed pulls: 225 x 3 x 3

thursday morning I ran a solid five miles in 50 min and then a final 1/4 mile with Megan.  the squats and deads the previous night did not improve my run; however, they didn't really make it worse.  I sure felt em though.  Got up this morning and just did a walk with Meg.  I'm going to run a 5K tomorrow morning here in town.  It's gunna be blazing hot so my expectations aren't real high  Hopefully there will be a good turnout so the chances of me finishing dead last are reduced.  As of Thursday night, I have been completely sober for seven days.  This is a milestone for me.  I know we've agreed on periods of non-drinking in the past, but I've pretty much just lied to everyone about it.  Quitting for me has always been a drastic reduction in my consumption until I can get back to my normal routine.  This go around is much different.  I did not ask God to help me as I've always done in the past.  This time I asked God for a miracle.  No bargains, deals, or promises to meet him half-way.  It turns out he doesn't really need our help to make a miracle work.  Sometimes we simply have to get outta the way. 

Oh, and I haven't shaved since my last drink.  I'm going for the crazy woodsman beard-mohawk combination for the ToughMudder.  Honestly, I think it will be easier to stay sober for the next six weeks than letting my beard and hair grow out that long.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Monday:   AM: Ran 1 Hour   PM: Military press, worked up to a double with 225lbs., did a bunch of pullups
Tuesday:  AM: Ran 1 hour  PM: I ain't doing nothing tonight.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm just under seven weeks out to the Tough Mudder.  I really don't have a clue how to train for running so I'm just going to run a bunch.  Any suggestions would be appreciated. I did five miles Saturday morning and another five this morning.  The plan is to get in 20 miles this week.  That should come out to around 4 hours of running for me.  The unknown here is how my squat/deadlift workout will affect my runs for the latter half of the week.  But right now I don't really care.  I'll crawl for an hour if I have to.  I'm gonna drop 20 lbs in the next 6 weeks if I have to live on water and beef jerky to get there.  Obviously, no alcohol till the race.  This has always been the hardest part for me and I don't think this will be an exception, except that I'm going to make it this time.  I've executed a plan that is working miraculously.  I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.  And that would be weird. 

Hmmm...check out this site I found for all your gear needs and happiness.

Oh, and the new headlamp worked magnificently this morning.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Not a bad week of it so far.  First week on the new programming.  Monday was bench press.  it consisted of 5 sets of 10 reps with 215lbs followed up with 4 sets of 12 incline db bench with, I think, 65lbs DBs.  Then I supersetted a bunch of dips and pushups until my eyes and ears were bleeding.  It was a nice change of pace, but not real exciting.  However, it put a serious hurtin on my taa-taas.  Wed was ridiculously hot and I got an impromtu invite to drink a few beers after work.  Beers cold.  Gym hot.  I went with the cold.  We made it up yesterday and I was punished.
5 x 385
5 x 400
5 x 425

Rack pulls:
315 x 8
405 x 5
455 x 5 x 5

Speed pulls (from the ground)
255 x 3 x 3

It wasn't like I was out of breath and all sweaty kind of tired.  It was like my CNS was so fatigued that it went on holiday the rest of the evening.  I couldn't walk a straight line to save my life.  It was pretty awesome and quite satisfying.  Surprisingly, the heavy squats really didn't affect my ability to pull heavy at all.  In fact, I think it had a positive effect.  I was completely warmed up and loose by the time I started pulling so I was able to jump right in with 315.  Good stuff.  Now on to the Albuquerque road-trip!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Re-do. again.

so after several months (the last two weeks being the exception) of actively evaluating my progress in the gym I've decided to make some drastic changes to my program and actually map it our for the next 16 weeks.  I will continue doing the 5,3,1 program for squats and military presses.  I'm still making steady strength gains in these two lifts and I figure there is no reason to fix something that doesn't appear to be broken.  My bench and deadlift have been stalled for a couple of years now.  That's due in part to a lack of motivation, but I think that lack of motivation has been due to a lack of progress.  Whatever.  I love the 5,3,1 program in its beautiful simplicity, but I feel like complicating it a bit.  Recently, Andy Bolton posted up a 16 wk deadlift program and Matt Kroc posted a 16 wk bench routine.  I'm gonna gank'em both and toss them into my training salad.  Kroc's bench program looks pretty fun.  He throws in some high rep days that should keep it interesting and painful.  sometimes it can be daunting knowing that every day you go in the gym to lift, the weights are going to be heavier than the last time.  Bolton's deadlift program caught my attention because it has 8 weeks of speed work leading up to the actual heavy pulling from the floor.  I've never worked speed off the floor in a deadlift and I think that could definitely be holding me back.  Often I've missed weights that I know I could lift just because I couldn't get the bar moving.  I'm sticking with three days a week cuz it works, but I'm going to break the four workout rotation so can better structure my running days.  Monday is international bench press day at gyms around the world, so why not?  Monday will be bench day.  Wed I'll squat and deadlift.  Yes, that will blow.  Friday will be military presses.  Wed will be a long session, but I know its also the day that I'm least likely to miss.  So here it is. Let me know what you think.
RP = Rack pull
SP = Speed pull

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Houston is burning!

OK, not really.  But a boy can dream.  So I'm back from another trip to H-Town.  My digestive system is completely FUBAR and I'm exhausted.  Nothing new.  I did go for a run at Memorial Park which was kind of cool.  It's this huge wooded park with all kind of trails sprawling out everywhere.  I had no idea where to run so took the 3 mile "running trail".  It was like running a marathon, except people were going it both directions.  Very weird experience for me.  I'm used to running where you can see in every direction for miles and no humans can be seen anywhere.  This was the exact opposite of that.  Extremely humid, hot, and no wind.  I mean not even a little feminine poofy fart kind of wind.  I don't think I've ever sweated that much in my life.  I was planning on nine miles, but barely made it three.  I couldn't get my breathing right.  My low back was completely seized up.  My feet, back, butt, legs, arms, teeth, and hair were hurting.  It was a horrible run, but a good experience.  That's closest I've come to exercising this week.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Yesterday was a healthy day.  Did a hard hours run in the morning and then for the first time in many, had a good deadlift workout.  I have decided to depart from the 5/3/1 method for deadlifts.  It's still a great all around program, but my deads have been stalled for a while so I wanna try something different.  I've decided to do Andy Bolton's 16 week cycle.  In case you're wondering, Andy Bolton is the first guy to ever pull over 1000lbs in competition.  So I figure the dude knows how to get a monster deadlift.  The template mostly consists of a lot of heavy rack pulls from just below the knee and speed deads from the ground.  I've often wondered if  I'm stalled because I have no explosive power off the floor.  Hopefully, this will prove me correct.  I want to try to journal this progression as well as possible.  I could be really interesting if I'm pulling over 550 by this winter.

Rack pulls (from just below the knee)
135 x 10
225 x 8
315 x 5
405 x 5
455 x 3
475 x 3 x 3

Speed pulls from the floor
245 x 3 x 3  ( these sucked worse than I expected.  shows how terribly slow I pull)

BW 10, 5, 6, 5, 5

Side bends
65lbs x 10 x 3

Tire flip
1 x 10


gorge on grilled meat!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blue Cheese and scrambled eggs.

Had this nice little combo of Blue cheese crumbles in my scramble this morning.  Probably the first time ever I couldn't finish four eggs.  I tried this with feta not long ago and it was quite nice.  I just couldn't shovel this combo down after a hard run this morning.  Didn't taste so bad, I just couldn't make myself swallow it.  maybe a brunch type dish...I don't know.  So now I've an hour till lunch and I'm starving.
Did a pretty rad squat workout on Saturday. Worked up to 430 for 5 then we drug the sled for about five sets in the heat.  Monday was militaries to kick off the the 5/3/1 cycle of this program.  160 x 5, 180 x 3, 200 x 5.  Got up and ran this morning.  I was pretty sluggish to start, but picked up the pace and got in just over five miles in 1 hour.  I completely forgot to goldbond my yam sack, so I'm sure I'll be reaping the consequences of that oversight for a few days.  "I am the Fire Starter!"   Happy Wed. everyone.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Unicorn Meat is the Best!

found out a couple days ago the one hour run I've been doing is 4.5 miles.  That's kind of sad so i got up at 5am yesterday and ran it by moon light.  I wore my monitor but my watch doesn't have a backlight so I couldn't see my heart rate or time.  Ended up finishing the distance in 49 mins.  That's getting me closer to 10 min miles and I can live with that for now.  Still slow, but not quite as close to walking backwards as I have been.  Wed I did a bench workout with Meg that went pretty well..  280 x 3, 300 x 3, 315 x 7.  Why not?
Just dropped 150 quid on the ToughMudder. :)  Yip.  That got a smiley face.  Its not that I'm so excited about the event (although I do think its gonna be pretty kick'en)  I'm just pumped to have something to shoot for again.  I've never trained for anything like this before, so it should be really interesting.  I think most of it is just going to be flat out endurance.  The challenges don't look that hard, just really energy zapping stuff.  So I'm gonna really focus on getting the lungs in shape over the next few months.  I wanna get my run up to a solid ten miles before then as well.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Revolt against Boredom

Qwik recap: Megan has started lifting with me and is doing well.  did Squats last Thursday, Military on Sunday, and a really crappy deadlift workout yesterday.  Ran 1 hour this morning.  That was nice.

OK, so I've decided to do a Tough Mudder on Oct 8th in central texas.  Should be a hoot.  I've asked a couple folks to join me, but haven't really had any takers so I'm going to register as an individual.  anybody that wants to come along is more than welcome, but I'm afraid it will sell out before anyone commits.  I need a challenge to shoot for, and powerlifting and strongman stuff just aren't really doing it for me right now.  this isn't really a race.  there's no prize for finishing first.  Just a whole lot of folks trying to finish a course without dying.  Anyhoot, that's it.  I'ma start "training" for it immediately.  Cheers.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Holiday

Well, I was gonna gripe about my diet over the long weekend, but i'm tired repeating the same junk over and over.  so I did a 30 min run this morning.  Kept my heart rate between 165-170 the first twenty minutes and brought it down the last ten.  Sweaty run, but good.

Friday, July 1, 2011

July One

Quick recap on a week that started out fairly unhealthy and has evolved into something else (at least).  Wed morning did a 40 min run.  Hit the gym last night just to force myself to deadlift..  Decided just to work up to a single to try and get my head back in the game.  Ganked 455 off the ground like a sack of fluffy down feathers.  Decided to throw another 50 on just to see.  I pulled it up to my knees and had to let it go.  Somehow I was ok with that.  I walked outta the gym with bleeding shins and big smile.  Deadlifts have been kicking my ass for months now.  I've decided to drop the 5/3/1 bit for deadlifts only and go back to pulling up to a max single on deadlift day.  I've been stalled for too long and its time to start seeing the numbers move up again.  Everything else will remain the same.  Did an hour run this morning.  It was awesome.  C, I'm praying for you this weekend.  Give me a shout when you get to the mother land!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


got up before the sun this morning for a fine iron session.  Started a new 5/3/1 cycle today (which should have been Monday's workout but everything metal was glowing white hot when I got home yesterday)  Looks like I'm just going to have to become a morning person again until sometime in September.  did Militaries: 5 x 160, 5 x 170, 5 x 180.  fairly easy.  95lbs log presses, 4 sets of 12 super-setted with lateral raises.  HURT.  then I did various curls until my wittle arms would curl no more.  not a bad start to a new cycle.  I would really like to run this afternoon, but the world around me is scorched and smoldering and I don't want to run in that.  B is supposedly getting his new shiny EliteFTS rack and weights in today.  So I think I'll go over and drink Arrogant Bastardo with him while we assemble it.  Perhaps he shall use it to reconfigure his manorexic form into a solid slab of intimidation that his daughter's boyfriends will always be looking over their shoulders for.  Only time will tell.  (hehehe...)

Friday, June 24, 2011

I am the Walrus

Worked up to a whopping 240 for five on bench yesterday (I love deload weeks).  that was fun and tingly, but then I killed it on the accessory work.  Four sets of 12 incline DB press with 65ers supersetted with 4 sets of 10 dips with 25lbs on.  haven't done any incline bench pressing in forever.  Those hurt like a sunuva-B.  then three sets of 20 triceps pressdowns supersetted with a bunch of pushups.  I was all good and sweaty after that. Then I went in and cooked up some really nice salmon filets and mashed cauliflower.  Not a bad day of it.  did a half hour run this morning.  I'm still getting passed by pissed off slugs in the fast lane, but I did notice thats its getting harder to push my heart rate up and keep it around the 150 mark.  Perhaps that's a sign of some kind of improved health or something.  Or maybe my watch needs a new battery.

Thursday, June 23, 2011




This week has completely gotten away from me.  did an hour run on sunday.  deadlifts on tuesday morning.  havent done anything healthy since.  My diet is OK, but that's been a pain in the butt as well.  Its like if  I'm not on a structured "DIET" then it becomes ok to cram down any crap that crosses my path.  I wanted to run yesterday, but apparently not bad enough to actually go do it.  Perhaps today...who knows.  Maybe Jesus will come back in a few minutes.  that would be even better!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

One up

so yesterday I had eggs and beef for breakfast.  Not so bad.  At lunch a sales rep came by and wanted to go to lunch.  I had left my lunch at the house, so this appeared nothing less than a financial blessing.  for some reason I ordered a pulled pork sandwich.  It was yummy, but quite bready.  I figured it was justifiable because there were tiny green slivers of jalapeno in the gigantic bun.  I spent the afternoon farting and suffering from abdominal cramping when I realized that we were doing a swim party for Blake's birthday right after work and that we were having homemade pizzas that had prepared the night before.  I thought I would skip the cheese pies, but by the time we got to the eating part I was starving.  Oh, and I'd had three beers to this point so my self control factor was a bit blurry.  I ate two pieces which is equivalent to roughly two lbs. of dough, meat, and cheese.  by the time we got home I was too bloated to sit on the floor and untie my shoes.  it was terrible  I got out to the barn for about an hour just to move around a bit and that helped.  But anyway, it was an upleasant reminder of why my life is better without bread and beer.  20 min run and spinach and eggs for breakfast this morning!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Did a one hour run this morning.  Went better than I imagined it would considering the squats yesterday.  Apparently the squat session was feminine enough to not produce any lingering pain.  Decided to head east this morning just to spice things up.  Much to my surprise, every hill in West Texas is directly east of my house.  Made for a great run and my faithful running partners (Honey and Cocoa) enjoyed it immensely.  I've never been much of a dog lover, but I've got to say those two creatures have become my friends.  They're always ready to go, and they never whine or complain about their problems, the weather, or the time of day.  They just want to run wherever I'm headed.  I think I could learn a lesson from my dogs.  I've really got to quit worrying about where I'm going and just start enjoying the ride to wherever God is leading me.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Forced reps

finally made it into the gym on Sunday to do Friday's bench workout.  I am having so much trouble finding motivation right now.  I've gone through this a thousand times and I know I can work through it, but I'm just tired of constantly having to force myself into the gym, but knowing that if I don't I'll just destroy myself in a bottle.  It's like I need to take a break from lifting for a while and find a new sport, but I haven't a clue what that would be.  I love lifting, but my head is so far from it right now.  Not to mention I'm apparently in a downward spiral towards weakness that is honestly depressing the crap out of me.  I can't figure out why I'm losing strength.  I've had plenty of bad days in the past, but this is getting ridiculous.

5 x 265
3 x 300
2 x 335

Put the log in the rack to do some flat bench with it.  Kind of a fun change up but I still hit a wall that pissed me off.  Did an easy set of ten with 175lbs.  Put 225 on and couldnt budge it off the pins.  I don't get it.  I need a bike I think.

------------------------------------------and later that day--------------------------------------------

Just writing this crap earlier today put me in a different frame of mind.  I still didn't want to go out in 103 degrees and do squats, but i felt like I had called myself out.  If anyone I know had told me they felt they way I wrote above, I would have immediately offered them some kind of vaginitis ointment.  So anyway, the squats went better.
360 x 5
410 x 3
460 x 3
Yip.  I tripled that which I could not pull of the ground once to save my life.  That was about it for the workout and I'm good with that.  I'm gunning for a hour run in the morning.  It'll probably be easier with semi-not trashed legs.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I haven't been shut down by dead lifts like yesterday in a very long time.  I can think of quite a few excuses, but basically I just couldn't dig deep enough to find the strength.  I forgot my lunch yesterday so I had to find something on a three dollar budget.  Although the corn dog and fried burrito were satisfying, they were not very nutritious.  Not to mention the re-introduction of greasy bread into my bowels was a bit of a shock to the system. And, as many calories as they cram into those things, it isn't very sustainable.  I was starving by the time I got home, so I crammed in some cheesy wheat crackers and a glass of milk.  Two more items down the hatch that I haven't consumed in nearly a month.  It killed the hunger pains so I headed for the gym.  It was roughly 102 with all the doors open.  I was sweating by the time I got the bar set for my warm-up.  Anyhow, I worked up to 385 for 5.  No problem.  410 for 3 felt luxurious.  Loaded 460 for my single ( I fully intended to get at least three out of it).  NOTHING! I couldn't budge it.  I thought, "What the poo!!", and I stepped away to collect myself for a moment.  Tried it again with every confidence that it would go up, but I got burned again.  Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed with myself.  I had no desire to lift any more weights at that point so I changed clothes, powdered my yam sack, and went for a half hour run.  This went much better except that my heart rate was all kinds of jacked after the lifting, the 20 mph cross wind,  and the Sahara-like heat.  Every time I looked down I was running over 170 bpm and would have to slow down to a near walk/trot to get it back down to 150 bmp.  Got back to the house and felt somewhat redeemed so I rolled the tire out and did five quick sets of three flips to re-engage the central nervous system and reclaim my man card.  I don't think I've ever slept as hard as I did last night.  I had planned to run again this morning, but that was out of the question by the time today rolled around.  Bench press tonight.  I brought a really good lunch today, so we'll see how that works out.  Happy Friday to all.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Heat

Got in my military press workout on Tuesday. Went pretty well considering that I worked out in the  morning un-breakfasted.  160 x 5, 180 x 3, 200 x 4.  Then I decided to dust off the log and get my four sets of 12 with it.  didn't put any weight on it, but still fought to get every rep in. It weighs 85lbs.  Followed that up with a bunch of standing straight bar curls supersetted with the preacher curls.  Failed heinously on the last set of preachers.  both of my biceps feel like they're torn in half right now.  Probably wont make the dead lifts any more pleasant tonight.  Oh well.  No pain, no gun show!!! yeah.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

butterfly scat

Finally made it back out to the gym yesterday.  I don't know how a week nearly slipped by without getting under some weight.  I spent time yesterday thinking about  my plan of attack and what I'm currently trying to accomplish.  Ended up dropping all of my maxes down by 20lbs or so and recalculating the lifts.  I've realized that right now I'm not so concerned with challenging heavier weights.  I wanna get healthy and drop some more flab.  so I need to get consistent.  And I know from past experience that I can do that by adjusting my program to the point where the weight is still beneficially heavy, but I know I can nail it and move on to the accessory work without fear of injury or a mental beating when I miss a lift.  As a result, I had a great squat session and completely torched my legs.  But I was able to get up and do relatively pain free run this morning and keep my HR just above 150 for 35 min.  haven't check my weight in a few days.  I'll get back to you on that.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bench Press

The set up is the most important part!

Long weekend recap

Lets see here...I didn't do squats on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.  I did move most of my in-law's furniture in 108 degree misery on Saturday.  Sunday morning I got up early and drug the sled for 33 min with about 100lbs on the ground.  I've been sticking to the diet pretty well.  haven't been getting enough veggies in the last few days, but I've still managed to stave off most carbs outside of rice and taters.  Did have a few beers this weekend, but they were very few and not very good.  I'd feel worse about that but I'm pretty sure I was sweating them out faster than I could swallow.  Anyhow,  I weighed in a at an even 210 this morning so i guess I didn't do too much damage over the weekend.  I hear Vegas has similar slimming effect.  Let me know how that goes, eh?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday is the bestest

  • Lifting Hook and Wrist Wrap Combination.
  • Custom engineered lifting hook grips strengthen your grip for less fatigue.
  • Provides maximum endurance and superior muscle isolation.
  • Improve and secure your grip
  • Lift more weight and do more reps
  • Increase your strength and stamina
  • Reduce finger, hand and forearm fatigue
  • Improve training technique
  • Protect hands
  • Adjustable padded wrist support

Thursday, May 26, 2011

the skinny

I weighed in my birthday suit this morning after my run at 210.5. That's a solid ten pound dump in three.5 weeks. I like it. I think I'm gonna keep going till I hit two hundo even.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mid-week Three

Holy poop, I've gotta start getting some carbs closer to my workout. I went in to do deads yesterday and just about got beat down. I wasn't especially hungry, I just had no energy. I worked up to a set of 465lbs for three and it was sheer misery. Generally speaking, pushing to the point of bleeding eye sockets is what keeps me coming back for more, but that was just pure suck. I managed four sets of ten one arm rows with a 95lbs DB and did some ab work for my beach body, and then stumbled out of the gym wanting nothing more than to curl up and cry. More rice and taters for me!!

Friday, May 20, 2011


So i weighed in this morning at 219. first weigh in a week and a half ago was 222.5. So there is some positive going ons. Everyone have a nice sober weekend! YAY!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Five minutes thinking up a title

yesterday was a bit of bummer. it ended well, but my diet was a bit off. I didn't cheat, I just felt really sluggish all day. Managed a squat workout with a final set of five with 440. The strength was there but the energy was not. That was a loooong set of five reps. I called it quits after the squats to exchange a grueling workout for some calories and hydration. Got up at six this morning and did a 30 min run. The run is progressing nicely. I'm not setting any land speed records, but it's not hurting anymore and I'm starting to really look forward to the morning runs. Meg actually drug out this morning and did her first run since her surgery. Who knows, maybe I'm starting a fashion trend.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back in it

The weekend was a bit of a bummer. It was good to see Ma and Pa, but they made it a bit tricky to stay healthy. And though I survived that, I ended up getting wicked sick on Sunday. Despite still being tired and dizzy all day Monday, I forced a bench workout that purged whatever illness was left in me. By the time I got through it I felt 100% again. Got up this morning and pounded the highway for 25 minutes. I didn't wear my monitor this round and I think I managed a better pace than usual. I'm almost starting to enjoy running again. Almost. Keep up the fight!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Queso!

Got off to a good start on Monday. Managed an egg and spinach thing for breakfast and then went to the store at noon and stocked up on veggies and meat for the office and home. I picked up a couple pounds of boars head beef and turkey for the office and a big box of fresh spinach and a back of broccoli. I can live on meat salads pretty much every day for ever. The balsamic vin and olive oil have been a very satisfying touch. Pulled off a brutal workout monday afternoon. Just what I wanted for my birthday! Got up around 6:15 Tues morning and did a 20 min run. Surprisingly that went pretty well. I'm not used to being well hydrated, but that seems to have made the run much more pleasant. Last night I grilled those massive, beautiful steaks from Fischer's and made Ratatouille. I highly recommend that dish (sans the Parmesan!) Eggs, Fischer's sausage, mushrooms, and serranos for breakfast today. Deadlifts tonight! I'm pumped about this.

Here's the Ratatouille recipe

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Suck

I've done nothing useful or healthy this week. Nothing. I got in three decently hard, very sweaty, sessions last week in Houston. That wrapped up a cycle for me, so this technically should be my de-load week. Not really an excuse to do nothing, but I'm taking it anyway. this weekend should be a hoot. Honestly, I don't care if the riding is good, bad, or non-existing. I just gotta get out of this dirt bowl for a couple days for some destructive purpose other than work. My diet and booze fast start on Monday. Fortunately, today is not that day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Captains Log...

I haven't posted in a while because I've had nothing interesting to post. This hasn't changed, but guilt got the better of me. I've been getting some good gym sessions in, just not very consistant. It seems that I've no time for it here of late, but I can't figure out what's taking all of my gym time up. Maybe I've just gotten really lazy. Dunno but I must get to the bottom of this!
So when are we starting this Paleo\green faces\with rice and potatoes thing? I'm amped! A month without drinking sounds to be just what the doctor ordered. Or, at least, he would order it if he actually knew how much I've been drinking. I've never been too keen on diets but I think this will be pretty easy. I shant have to change things too much. let's see here, I'll have to cut out:
frito pie
fried everything
sour cream
cottage cheese
ice cream
chocolate chip muffins

no problem.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


390 x 5
415 x 5
440 x 5
The belt cut into my injured ribs on every rep.  Hurt like piss fire.  Not to mention I'd nearly forgotten how to do the exercise.  Bit sad but I got through it.


And a BIG GIANT CONGRATS to C for making it through the myriad of classrooms from hell!  Now, on to the bloody stuff.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

AND GO!!!!!....again.

Hard to puke out whats been going on the last few weeks.  Shouldn't take long though.  Let's see...I've been doing nothing healthy and everything deadly.  Saturday night I found myself lying busted up in a cotton field at the end of a three week binge.  Could'a been worse but it had the right effect.  A lot of pain and the realization that I somehow crammed my head up my arse and forgot to pull it back out.  Same old crap.  Oh well.  I'm sick of whining about it to you, my family, and anyone else who cares enough to listen.  I'm back to abusing myself the right way.  And I've gotta say, hammering out the last two days with terribly bruised ribs wont be soon forgotten.

Military press:
5 x 180
5 x 190
5 x 200  (Thought  I was going to piss blood)
12 x 95 x 4  supersetted these with rear latterals.  20lbs dumbells.  same sets and reps.

Barbell curls
45 x 10
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

some preacher curls I think.

Tuesday: Ran 2.5 miles in 27:45.  Went out into 25mph headwind and barely touched the ground coming back.  Horribly slow, but I didn't stop or puke or die, so I'm OK with that for now.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I drug my butt outta bed this morning to slop out some kind of exercise.  I did a cool sled/farmers walk session Tuesday morning, but this turned out to be less cool than that.  Plus, by the time I cursed myself out of the blankets, I had like five minutes to workout. I decided to go for volume because I'm lazy.

bar x 20
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10

Did 15 pullups after the first set of bench and then 6 to 8 pullups in between each set of bench.  Came out to around 50 pullups.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fried Day

Got up early this morning amped about doing something active.  Wasn't even sure what I was going to do.  In fact, I put on my cleats to drag the sled and ended up wandering into the gym.  I'm freaking loving these warmer mornings.  I decided on some heavy pressing.  haven't done military presses in a couple of months.  I've been doing incline presses instead to switch things up a bit.  I was interested to see how bad the overheads were going to suck.

Military Press:
Bar x 10
65 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 8
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 1
215 x 1
235 x 1 (easy 10lbs PR)

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I went out yesterday with every intention to hurt myself.  I figured that would be the only acceptable excuse to continue not being healthy.  I had some inflammation in my left knee to begin with.  I'm not sure where that came from as I haven't actually used it in about a week.

95 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 8
365 x 5
405 x 3
455 x 1
475 x 1
515 x 1 (new pr)  This was encouraging and painful.  It changed my attitude and my ability to see anything but stars for a few minutes.

Box squats:
315 x 10
315 x 10  more stars.  they're pretty.

a bunch of pull ups.

All in all I felt better about life when I left the gym.  Strangely, my knee hurt worse after the session.  Ibuprofen seems to be doing the trick.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I spent all weekend pulling up a picket fence.  Turns out that's a lot of work and effort.  But it gave me an excuse to spend the entire weekend outside getting some exercise and vitamin D.  I tried to do my heavy rack pull workout around 6am Saturday morning, but that was a miserable failure.  I just can't lift near-max weight first thing in the morning.  The mind/body connection just doesn't exist that early and my colon begins waking up about the time the weights starts getting heavy.  Fortunately, I had a great session on Monday.

Floor press:
warm up
270 x 5
310 x 3
345 x 3

Weighted dips:
BW (220) + 35lbs x 10 x 4 sets

Incline DB flys:
45's x 12 x 4 sets

Triceps pressdowns:
60lbs x 20 x 4 sets

4 sets to failure ( 25, 20, 15)

I supersetted the pressdowns and pushups.  It was a pumpy workout, but a lot of fun.  I'm pleased that my endurance levels are starting to come back up. Now if I can just get some cardio in ....

This weekend, the boys learned the riddle of steel.  It's amazing that you don't have to teach a boy how to use a hammer.  Destruction just comes naturally!

Monday, February 14, 2011


i'll start with today and work back as far as i can remember...which isn't far.  it's been hit or miss for a few weeks.  freezing cold, sick kids, blah, blah, blah.  it was seven degrees four days ago, and eighty yesterday.  cant pass up eighty.  so i spent all day today looking at bikes.  i need one.  need one.

box squats -
395 x 3
420 x 3
445 x 8  had to take a sit down after that one

floorpress -
275 x 3
295 x 3
320 x 3

rack pulls -
440 x 5
470 x 3
495 x 3

thats all i got in the ol' repository.  did i mention that i want a bike real bad.  cheers.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Flames of Gehenna have gone out

It's cold in Houston.  Might actually freeze tonight.  Indeed, hell might just freeze over.  I wanted to post a quick recap of last week.  Nothing mind blowing, but I got it done.  Sux that this week will be a wash, but I'm sure I'll recover somehow.

Incline Bench:
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5  these punked me.  Haven't done them in forever and I forget how long the range of motion is.  Even with relatively light weight, they're exhausting.  I like this exercise for an alternative to anything directly overhead, but too much will definitely lead to injury.  Interestingly, I get more pain in my lumbar spine from these than anything else.  Makes sense, I suppose.  I'm so used to arching for a flat bench I unconsciously do the same for this exercise.  Not so good, I think.

Rack pulls:
I'm not sure what my single is for this lift, but I didn't have time to test it.  Based on a 525 pull from the floor, I upped my rack pull from about three inches below my patella to 550 for the purpose of calculating this cycle.
415 x 5
440 x 5
470 x 5  This hurt my soul, but I didn't break anything structural, which was a pleasant surprise.

Floor press:
270 x 5
290 x 5
310 x 5  Again, this is a deceptive exercise.  You would think the shorter range of motion would allow for more weight to be lifted.  I suppose this may be the case if your flat bench sucks in general, but if you're used to using your legs as an integral part of the bench press, you quickly realize how worthless they are while lying on the ground.  Then you lose your chest because of that short range of motion.  You have no momentum going into the lockout.  It is completely a triceps and forearm fragger. (I include forearms because bar control is extremely important here.  If you get in a hurry, you'll shatter those little bones holding your forearms erect).  And it works.
Haven't gotten to the high box squats yet.  Guess I'll fire it back up the end of this week.  Assuming I can get home.  I'm becoming afraid the airports in west Texas are going to be shut down for a few days.
Oh, and a HUGE PRAISE TO GOD.  It's looking like we may have a renter and buyer for our rent house.  Please pray this deal works out. 

Cheers, y'all.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New cycle

New cycle started yesterday.  I changed up my main lifts.  Some are lighter, some are heavier.  Here's the breakdown of the substitutions:

Military Press --> Incline Bench
Deadlift --> Rack Pulls
Bench Press --> Floor Press
Squat --> High Box (bench) Squats

Last Night:
Incline Bench
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5

DB military 4 x 12
Side Raises 4 x 10

BB curls 4 x 12
Preacher curls 4 x 12ish

That's right.  I'm becoming a curl whore.  Cuz in the end, it's all about the gun show.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Earlier this week...

I had some kind of crazy sinus infection thing on Monday so I did not workout.  Yesterday was much better, so I did.  Workout, that is.

Squizzatz, yo
380 x 5
420 x 3
480 x 2

Zercher squizzatz, yo
5 x 15
Ham curlz, yo
5 x 15

Leg Extenzions, yo
4 x 12
Abdominal "Situation" roller
4 x 12

It's days like today that I'm glad I have a big cushy desk chair to chillax in because standing isn't really an option for me.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to contract some kind of UTI because I've avoided walking down the hall to take a piss for the better part of the day.  Fortunately, I can now begin my deload week.  Yes, yes.  Rest and relaxation have come my way.  I think I'm going to change up my main exercises for this next cycle.  I'm enjoying the higher volume on the accessories, but I think I need a break from the big ones. I'll probably do some partial range movements like floor presses and rack pulls.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do instead of full squats, but I'll come up with something.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


420 x 5
460 x 3
500 x 1

Bent over rows
good mornings
leg Raises

Flat bench
285 x 5
320 x 3
360 x 1

DB flys
weighted dips
tricep pressdowns

Good times. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It turns out we've all been wasting our time dieting, riding, running, dragging, and lifting.  There is an easier and more obvious path to a trimmer tummy that we've been missing.  Check it out:

Blessed with the power of knowing these things exist, I chose not to deadlift this morning.  Why pull in the freezing cold when I can strap on a girdle and look like the manorexic asshole every woman dreams of?

I apologize for the scars that image will leave.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today was cold miserable and I didn't get home until after seven from work.  Add that to the two pounds of pickled jalapenos swimming around in my lower intestines, I decided not to deadlift this evening.  Possibly in the morning.  I'm sure it will be warmer then.
Had another great session on Friday though.

Standing Military press:

170 x 5
195 x 3
215 x 2

DB militaries: 4 x 12
Side raises: 4 x 15

BB curlz: 4 x 12
Preacher curlz (for realz, yo!): 4 x 12

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blood In The Gears

The Showdown has a new album out.  Pretty good so far.  Diggin' My Own Grave is especially soothing.

I did a workout on Sunday I wish I could erase from history.  I was tired, hungry, tired, and pissed off. But I wasn't pissed off in the good way that make your supernaturally strong, but rather in the bad way that makes your workout just suck.  In a bad way.  It was my 3x3 deadlift day.  395 went but sucked.  440 went and sucked worse.  475 was the final set of three.  It wouldn't budge.  A couple weeks before I pulled 495 for three.  What a head trip.  I tried it a second time and dropped it from about shin height.  That was the end of that session.  I've had plenty of bad days in the gym over the years, but this one really got me thinking for some reason.  I realized that I wasn't having fun anymore.  Lifting has become a boring job over the past year that I really didn't want to go to anymore.  I dropped the "Big but Boring" routine because, well, it's boring.  On Tuesday I went out and upped the intensity by around 1000%.  I know.  Right.  That's not even possible, but you get the idea.  I was slobbering and needing badly to puke when I hung it up for the day.  Oh, and smiling.  It was a good time all to myself.

Flat Bench:
300 x 3
320 x 3
340 x 3

weighted dips: 4 x 10
DB flys: 4 x 12

Triceps Pushdowns – 5 x 20

Push ups – 5 sets to failure

Had so much fun with that one that I decided to tear down the lower extremities last night.  Mission accomplished.  I am now sending electrical impulses that are somehow magically stimulating bones to move in a pattern not entirely unlike walking.  It would appear the skeletal muscle has been detached and lumped into squishy lifeless masses around the bone.  Its a bit gross really.

410 x 3
430 x 3
455 x 3

Zercher squats (heels elevated) 5 x 15
Leg curls: 5 x 15

Leg extensions 4 x 12
Ab wheel: 4 x 12

I'll probably have to back off at some point, but I don't care.  This is a good time.