Wednesday, March 23, 2011

AND GO!!!!!....again.

Hard to puke out whats been going on the last few weeks.  Shouldn't take long though.  Let's see...I've been doing nothing healthy and everything deadly.  Saturday night I found myself lying busted up in a cotton field at the end of a three week binge.  Could'a been worse but it had the right effect.  A lot of pain and the realization that I somehow crammed my head up my arse and forgot to pull it back out.  Same old crap.  Oh well.  I'm sick of whining about it to you, my family, and anyone else who cares enough to listen.  I'm back to abusing myself the right way.  And I've gotta say, hammering out the last two days with terribly bruised ribs wont be soon forgotten.

Military press:
5 x 180
5 x 190
5 x 200  (Thought  I was going to piss blood)
12 x 95 x 4  supersetted these with rear latterals.  20lbs dumbells.  same sets and reps.

Barbell curls
45 x 10
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

some preacher curls I think.

Tuesday: Ran 2.5 miles in 27:45.  Went out into 25mph headwind and barely touched the ground coming back.  Horribly slow, but I didn't stop or puke or die, so I'm OK with that for now.

1 comment:

c said...

Nice. You'll be in better shape than me in about two days.