Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Encouraged after listening to Spoken last night, I pulled off a late night workout.  Also, I really didn't want to get up early this morning.  I figured it would be a loss of sleep either way, so I chose to do it when I still had some calories on board.  Last night was my first workout (5/5/5) with incline bench.  It was kind of trippy cuz I didn't know what to expect.  It's such a different creature than flat bench or standing presses and I've never really done heavy inclines.  So they went: 240 x 5, 255 x 5, 270 x 5.  The last set was hard.  Well, the first set was hard.  The last set sucked asphalt.  After regaining sight in both eyes, I cleaned the bar to 135 and did four sets of ten supersetted with standing log presses.  My triceps and shoulders were weeping on the inside.  I, however, was crying like a blithering idiot.  I wasn't expecting this kind of triceps torture from this workout.  Hopefully, there will be some really good carry over to my flat bench.

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