Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Morning

I'm going to take a break from overhead pressing for a cycle.  I just finished up the first positive 5/3/1 cycle I've had in many moon and I would like to keep that momentum going, but I've decided to do incline bench rather than standing presses for this go.  The theory is that I can handle more weight on this lift and that should give me more bar control when I go back to pressing overhead.  So this morning I opted to get a 1RM on incline bench rather than some deload workout.  To my surprise, I squeeged out 315 for a single.  I was pretty happy with that.  I've never been able to press over 300 on a steep incline bench. Course, I haven't spend a great deal of time trying either. This should be a fun and productive cycle.  I feel like I'm pretty solid on all my lifts right now and hopefully I'll see some gains this go around that I haven't accomplished in a while.  Happy Thursday everyone.


c said...

It's good to hear some positive outlook issuing forth from the House. And you even redecorated. And nice work on the overheads.

Pappa G said...

I long for the mountains. I must get there.

c said...

I feel ya. You should make efforts in that direction. I'll join you.