Thursday, July 28, 2011

Houston is burning!

OK, not really.  But a boy can dream.  So I'm back from another trip to H-Town.  My digestive system is completely FUBAR and I'm exhausted.  Nothing new.  I did go for a run at Memorial Park which was kind of cool.  It's this huge wooded park with all kind of trails sprawling out everywhere.  I had no idea where to run so took the 3 mile "running trail".  It was like running a marathon, except people were going it both directions.  Very weird experience for me.  I'm used to running where you can see in every direction for miles and no humans can be seen anywhere.  This was the exact opposite of that.  Extremely humid, hot, and no wind.  I mean not even a little feminine poofy fart kind of wind.  I don't think I've ever sweated that much in my life.  I was planning on nine miles, but barely made it three.  I couldn't get my breathing right.  My low back was completely seized up.  My feet, back, butt, legs, arms, teeth, and hair were hurting.  It was a horrible run, but a good experience.  That's closest I've come to exercising this week.

1 comment:

c said...

Well that's way more running than i've done in some weeks. Humidity is no fun to run in. Strong work dude. Kinda moves me to lace up the ol' runnin' kicks m'self.