Friday, July 15, 2011

Unicorn Meat is the Best!

found out a couple days ago the one hour run I've been doing is 4.5 miles.  That's kind of sad so i got up at 5am yesterday and ran it by moon light.  I wore my monitor but my watch doesn't have a backlight so I couldn't see my heart rate or time.  Ended up finishing the distance in 49 mins.  That's getting me closer to 10 min miles and I can live with that for now.  Still slow, but not quite as close to walking backwards as I have been.  Wed I did a bench workout with Meg that went pretty well..  280 x 3, 300 x 3, 315 x 7.  Why not?
Just dropped 150 quid on the ToughMudder. :)  Yip.  That got a smiley face.  Its not that I'm so excited about the event (although I do think its gonna be pretty kick'en)  I'm just pumped to have something to shoot for again.  I've never trained for anything like this before, so it should be really interesting.  I think most of it is just going to be flat out endurance.  The challenges don't look that hard, just really energy zapping stuff.  So I'm gonna really focus on getting the lungs in shape over the next few months.  I wanna get my run up to a solid ten miles before then as well.


R6Medic said...

dude... thats pretty daunting to read a par time of 2 hrs 30 minutes!! wow

Pappa G said...

I don't know. That's five miles an hour plus 30 mins for obstacles. it can be done!