Tuesday, September 20, 2011


After a poo then a run and then another poo, I was back down to 212.5 this morning.  This is good.  I wanted to be closer to 200 by now, but I'm not complaining.  The weight that I've lost thus far appears to be real and not just a water dump.  Did militaries last night: 170 x 5, 180 x 5, 195 x 5.  Then did five sets of ten (militaries) with 100lbs and about 40 pullups in several sets between.  It was a pretty vanilla workout, but it did the job.  This morning I ran my five mile loop.  its starting to get chilly out before the sun comes up so I got to put on my beanie today.  Kind of nice to start breaking out the cool weather gear.  Of course it was a sopping wet sweat rag by the time I got back to the house, but it made feel cool all the same.  beanies and full beards go really well together.  Especially when running down a country road in west texas when its pitch black out.  Its only a matter of time before some farmer bumps me off to make sure I'm not a serial killer or al-qaeda.


c said...

Hahahaha! I shall avenge you! Ha haha. What a crappy way to go. "Well, he was rowing a canoe down a river in southern louisiana wearing a speedo...What'd he think'd happen?"

R6Medic said...

Hahaha.. "... Yea, so I raped him in the butt for drivin that there canoe down my river... that'll learn him!"

Ahh the demise of society. thats where we're headed, fyi!