Monday, November 21, 2011


I just registered for the Central Texas Tough Mudder on March 31.  Fortunately, I made myself a walking advertisement for the company in exchange for a voucher to this event.  That saved me $135 I wont have to panhandle for.  I haven't missed an iron workout in two weeks.  Haven't really been inspired to post em because they've mostly been boring and uneventfull.  I've slacked so much the last few months none of my numbers have improved, so I'm pretty much just retracing my steps right now.  It's been a couple weeks since I've run as well.  Gotta get that started back up propper.  I'd really like to run this TM at 200lbs.  That gives me four months to drop 15lbs.  It'll just be sad if I can't pull that off.

1 comment:

c said...

Methinks you can pull that off. I'm with you on the running...this getting-dark-at-5:30 crap is killing me. I sho' do wish I could do that comp with you. Soon mayhaps. But get into it. Seeing you train hard is motivating to me.