Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I spent all weekend pulling up a picket fence.  Turns out that's a lot of work and effort.  But it gave me an excuse to spend the entire weekend outside getting some exercise and vitamin D.  I tried to do my heavy rack pull workout around 6am Saturday morning, but that was a miserable failure.  I just can't lift near-max weight first thing in the morning.  The mind/body connection just doesn't exist that early and my colon begins waking up about the time the weights starts getting heavy.  Fortunately, I had a great session on Monday.

Floor press:
warm up
270 x 5
310 x 3
345 x 3

Weighted dips:
BW (220) + 35lbs x 10 x 4 sets

Incline DB flys:
45's x 12 x 4 sets

Triceps pressdowns:
60lbs x 20 x 4 sets

4 sets to failure ( 25, 20, 15)

I supersetted the pressdowns and pushups.  It was a pumpy workout, but a lot of fun.  I'm pleased that my endurance levels are starting to come back up. Now if I can just get some cardio in ....

This weekend, the boys learned the riddle of steel.  It's amazing that you don't have to teach a boy how to use a hammer.  Destruction just comes naturally!


c said...

Nice. i need to get Aeon something to deconstruct. Do 'im some good.

Chase said...

That's a great picture dude... :-)

R6Medic said...

im calling CPS