Monday, April 2, 2007


Drank a million +1 beers this weekend. Took a little while to get moving.

DE Deadlifts @ 60% max
Warm up with bar
Worked up to 8 sets of 2 @ 255lbs

Reverse lunges w/front foot elevated on 25lb plate
bar x 8 (on each leg)
65 x 8
85 x 8 (great movement. Stretched the hips out.)

Leg curlz
100 x 12
110 x 12
100 x 12 (I actually cried a little)

Wide grip Pullups
body weight x 8
25 x 6
35 x 6
50 x 8

DB Hammer culz
45 x 6
60 x 6
60 x 6
65 x 6 (assisted)

Side bends
70 x 15
75 x 15
85 x 15

I can't afford to have any more drunken weekends until after the meet. I got some sleep last night, but I know that two solid days of boozing slowed me down. The light deadlifts were coming off the ground way too slow.


c said...

i might be going to Chamonix for a medical seminar in July on the effects of altitude on the body put on by my hospital. Then we'll climb Mont Blanc. Wanna go? Steph and i are trying to figure out if we can get there, but we can dirtbag in a tent at Chamonix for the week. Doesn't look like it'd be too expensive. Then i'd have a reason for all the squats.

Pappa G said...

I'd love to. Probably wont happen as I'm supposed to be starting a new job in June. I think that would be bad form. Nevertheless, you should go. I've heard Chamonix is bad ass.