Friday, March 9, 2007



Woke up late again. Made it on time but didn't get a good warmup. Decided to do some bodybuilding today.

Flat dumbell bench
45 x 15
65 x 15
85 x 15
85 x 12 (failure)

Incline Bench press
205 x 12 (failure)
185 x 10 (failure)
135 x 15 (sandbagged it)

Decline bench
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15 (gay but fun)

Dumbell Millitary press
40 x 15
50 x 15
50 x 15

Close grip pull ups (body weight)
15, 10, 10

Dumbell Rows
4 sets of ten w/ 55lbs

dumbell curlz (peer pressure got me)
20 x 15 (I'm gay)
30 x 15 (got bored)
50 x 12 (that stung a bit)

Not a bad workout. Really pumpy. My boobies are exhausted, but I don't think I really got any stronger today. I think I'm getting a better understanding of the repetition work though. I think the best way to go about it is to set a rep and set scheme before you get started, say 4 sets of 15, or whatever. Doesn't really matter except that doing less than 8 reps really defeats the purpose of the excersice. Now, the key is to pick the appropriate weight that will take you to or near to failure on every set. If you're taking no more than a minute between sets (which you shouldn't be on repetition work) you may have to drop some weight or reps (not both) to finish the sets. However, if you complete a set of twenty and still have twenty left in the tank, you're sandbagging and you probably think the Fruit of the Loom guys are sexy. This type of excersice should ivolve a lot of intensity, pain, and cursing to gain the maximum benifits.


Steph said...

You must be gay with those dumbbell curls. I can curl 20.
So, you say don't go below 8 reps. Would you do 12,10, 8? Do you do that for everything? I don't like going below 8 just because I don't feel like I'm really doing anything. I also think I'm afraid to go to failure without a spot. I don't like the idea of dropping a bunch of weight on my noggin.
See ya in a couple of days!

c said...

i can see that yer turning happy on me.

Lemme know how the healing goes after going to failure on RE and then fitting it in the same week with ME. Tschuss.