Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Got in late Sunday night. Had to go in at noon to do squats. Went back in at 6 to do some isolation stuff.

ME Squat
45 x 5
45 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 2
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
405 x 1
405 x 1 (I need to work up to a new max)


Front Squats w/heels elevated
135 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 6 (bout a minute rest between sets)

Hammy curlz
some weight x 10
some more weight x 10
bit more than the last x 10

Incline situps
40 x 10 for 3 sets

That's all I could handle for the evening. The freakshow was overwhelming. I was tired of other guys staring at me to see if they could handle more weight than me. Honestly, who gives a shit? There was one guy in there (that the entire town of Snyder mistakes me for ((Snyder:"Hey Logan! How'z it goin Man!!" Me:"Go hump a cactus! That guy isn't old enough to buy a beer and has no hair on his visible skin of which he shows off a great deal of. How can that many people mistake me for him!??"))) that kept pulling his shorts up to his crotch and flexing his legs in the mirror. After his homies cleared out of the power rack, I stepped up to it and noticed another guy headed in the same direction. I beat him. He looked quite taken back so I thought it would be polite to offer to let him work in. He was a pretty big guy and looked to be in decent shape. "No man, I'm working heavy tonight.", says he. The big lump goes and sits on the calf machine and pouts the whole time I'm lifting. Good thing I wasn't doing an actual squat workout. After my 3 sets of front squats he jumps in and starts hitting the BIG weights. By the time I left he was wowing everyone in the gym repping 495 for three. He never got below 10 inches from parallel. I smiled and went to the house.

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