Friday, June 26, 2009

end of week rally

so it came together for me today. after a monday and wed. arse whooping I managed to go big on the squat and to celebrate I did a hellish workout in a 102 degree garage. here's how she went:

340 x 5
390 x 3
440 x 1
465 x 1

Went deep on that last one and faught to get it, but it went. thought an eye was going to pop out and somehow that was motivational. Here's the rest of the session:

front squats (deep knee bend, close stance)
115 x 10 x 3
135 x 15 x 1 That cleaned out the sweat glands!

Leg extensions on bowflex
everythingonthegaymachine x 12 x 3 burned like hell.

somes situps
some ab wheelies

drank a beer, got dressed, and went directly to unload shingles on top of a house that we're to roof tomorrow. Thought I was going to throw-up a couple of time hiking up the roof with an armload of shingles. couldn't even feel my legs. they just wouldn't do what I kept telling them to. stupid things. they're not strong enough.

peace. out.

1 comment:

c said...

465 is a lot of weight dude. That kind of weight will give you arthritis or something. You should do less weight. If you don't know what less wight is, i can show you. i am fully capable of doing less weight than that. It takes discipline, but i can show you the way.