Thursday, April 5, 2007


Got into my squat suit today. Took three guys and about 10 minutes.

ME Squat
Warm up with bar
95 x 6
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 4
275 x 2
Put on suit
315 x 1 (had trouble making depth. trouble breathing in the suit)
365 x 1 (a little easier. The suit loosened up a bit)
405 x 1 (felt even better)
455 x 1 (let my back arch, but felt ok. Wanted to stop but Louis talked me into to pushing it.)
495 x 1 (Best squat I've ever done. Everyone in the gym quit making fun of me in my tight suit. I love this sport.)

I was absolutely waisted after the squats.

25 x 10 x 3

SL Deadlifts (on box)
85 x 12 x 2

Reverse Grip BB Curlz
65 x 10
55 x 10 x 2

DB Shrugs
85 x 6
75 x 8 x 5

1 Sad attempt at an ab workout.

Great workout! The squats were awesome. The suit is great. It really doesn't aid that much in lifting the weight. It wraps your body so tight and pulls your shoulders back so you can focus on lifting the weight without blowing a gasket. Admittedly, there is some rebound out of the hole that can and was taken advantage of. However, you have to be willing to squat deep with a lot of weight to get any benefit from this. Once you get back above parallel, you're on your own.

1 comment:

c said...

"waisted"... ha ha! no pun intended, i'm sure. Well that's plenty of weight if you ask me. i can hardly curl 495, let alone squat it.