Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm so sore I can barely move. Squating down to sit on the potty is out of the question. I worked out this morning, but I was so waisted from yesterday's festivities and the pain from the two previous workouts that I really can't remember what I did. It's amazing how much difference changing up your workout can make.


c said...

Fa' shizzle. i clumb yesterday with a mate from the climbgym, and the dude's a notch or two better'n me. we worked four or five different v4s. i didn't send any, but i came close on a couple; but i must'a' put in a hundred tries between 'em all. my hands are thrashed. i could hardly shift gears on the way home last night. That was a nice change up, and it kicked a li'l bootay to have a motivated spotter.

c said...

And what the 'eck'd you do with Bryant, eh?