Friday, July 27, 2012


To start this week off I got a new PR squat at 525lbs.  That's good.  Tuesday I benched 355 which I haven't pulled off in several moons.  This is also good.  Wed I got in a 30 min run. Thursday I slept 8 hours. This morning I decided to go for a single deadlift sumo style.  Got 455 and was happy enough since I haven't pulled sumo in roughly 50 years.  Altogether not a bad week of it.  Tough mudder is the first weekend in Oct and I'd like to be at 200lbs BW by then.  That's a lot to drop in two month, but I figure I've got nothing better to do.  How hard could it really be after all?


Chase said...

50 years huh?

c said...

Dude. sick week of it there, brah. Congrats on the pr.

c said...

And how 'bout this week's squats then?

c said...

Wow. July 27. wow.

Chase said...

This is getting ridiculous!

c said...

november now. seriously.

Chase said...

RIP Pappa G's House...