Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm blowing the hell outta here in three minutes, so I'll post this fast.
Deads last night
385 x 5
435 x 3
485 x 2  Pretty clean....after I woke up and my eyes stopped bleeding.

Did a half hour run this morning at something like a 12:44 pace.  Every square inch of my hurt and jiggled, but I was I glad I made it happen.

Cheers to a good weekend.  It's 5:01.  I'm out!


Less pooey.

Incline bench tonight
240 x 5
270 x 3
300 x 2

I didn't get to eat lunch today so I was starved.  Props to General Mills though.  A bowl of magical Fruity Pebbles pre workout pulled me through the worst of it.


c said...

i'm just glad to hear that that sort of deadliftin' hurt you. It makes you seem more human. That's a lotta weight.And nice work on the run. i've yet to bring myself to feel the pain again. And i need to desparately. And i guess a double with 300 on incline isn't too pathetic. Since that's more than i can push once on flat bench if i were to employ a floor jack and a rubber shirt.

Pappa G said...

I just put that in there to make you feel better. I thought about pulling a third, but I got lazy.

c said...

As much as i appreciate that, you shouldn't wreck your trajectory to an elite total for my sake. You should go pull that last one on yer lunch break to get rid of the guilt. If you were any kind of man at all, that's just what you'd do.