Thursday, January 19, 2012

Funky Cold Medina

I finished up another 5/3/1 cycle this week and, I gotta say, I'm pretty pleased with the results for the first time in a long time.  I looked back over the last four sessions and realized that I managed two reps on the last set of every exercise.  The final lifts were:
Deadlift: 485 x 2
Inlcine Bench: 300 x 2
Squat: 485 x 2
Flat Bench: 350 x 2
I'm pretty OK with that and I feel like I can keep pushing the numbers up.  Last night should have been a deload, but I hate deloading more than I hate warming up.  So I declared it "Guns" Wednesday and did a variation of a bodybuilding arm workout that I saw in a Metroflex newsletter.  It was rediculous, hurt like hell, and I lifted no significant amount of weight.  Why do body builders do this to themselves!?  It was a change of pace.
All excersises were supersetted and the weights increased as the reps decreased, blah, blah, blah...
Dips: 20, 17, 15, 12, 10
BB curls: 20, 17, 12, 8, 8

CG bench: 25, 20, 15, 12, 10
DB curls: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8

Pushups: 20, 15, 10
Hammer Curls: 8,8,8 (heavier weight)

I just got bored writing that down. Oh, and my arms really hurt.  Yay!


c said...

Hahahaha! Thash funny. And them there're some manly lifts. So you're doing incline bench and flat bench at the same time then... didn't realize that. That's pretty sick.

Pappa G said...

The idea was to build overhead stability with heavier weight on the incline bench. I'll let you know if it pays off next cycle.

Pappa G said...

The idea was to build overhead stability with heavier weight on the incline bench. I'll let you know if it pays off next cycle.

c said...

Do. i've got bench today, and i'm thinking i'll add in incline bench as an auxiliary workout 'til i'm strong enough on 'em to not hurt myself going heavier. And it couldn't hurt--my bench doesn't have much downward distance to go.