My theory on incline bench being a beneficial crossover for overhead pressing appears to have had some truth in it. I started a new cycle yesterday with OHP based on my most recent 1RM of 245lbs. It went a lot better than expected.
185 x 5
200 x 5
210 x 5
Not so great in that I could have hammered out a few more on the last set, but rather that I didn't drop the bar on my head and die. It was a bit awkward to be standing up with the weight again, but I felt really strong at lock-out and controlling the bar on the way down which was the intention of changing up to a heavier exercise for few weeks. So, in conclusion, chocolate is far superior to vanilla. That is all.
Dang. Mebbe i will give the inclines another chance. Nice.
I found that a narrower (than flat bench) grip on the incline press was a bit more comfortable. Might give that a try.
All righty. i'll give it a try.
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