Friday, January 20, 2012


So in the spirit of deload week, which I traditionally get bored with, I went out looking for some interesting workout to do for the ol legs today.  Funny enough, I ended up on reading an article about German Volume Training (aka: FML) I've done this program several times for very short intervals because I always forget how horrible it was the last time.  But I finished the article just to refresh the noodle on sets, reps, and percentages.  You're supposed to do some kind of compound exercise for 10 sets of 10.  What I had forgotten is that you're to use a weight that you can do 20 reps with (or roughly 65% 1RM)  65% of my current squat max is 335lbs.  That's crap.  So I went with 315lbs for 100 reps.  It's not so much that I'm in pain as that I'm ill.  I think I broke off a piece of my soul that will not be easy to reattach.  I wanted to quit after set five, but I continued on in some kind of pentacostal like trance.  It's now been six hours and I still feel like my head is gonna pop.  Cool stuff.  Its going on my list of things I'll never do again.  Ever.

Oh, and you're supposed to do this workout with every major muscle group four days a week for six weeks with accessory work.  I'm calling BS.

1 comment:

c said...

Hahahaha...what's really funny is that it sounded like a good idea to you up front.