Thursday, September 15, 2011

Slow week

this week has been dreadfully boring.  I've gotten a few things done around the house, but my workouts have been almost non existent.  finally got a bench workout in Tuesday evening.  Warmed up to five sets of five with 270.  I hope this cycle I'm doing actually improves my bench.  So far it's been a little challenging, but mostly just boring.  Did a half hour run at a pretty good pace Tuesday morning.  Perhaps tonight I'll get in squats and deads.  I've definitely gotta get back out on the highway and put some more miles in this week.  Looks like we might actually get some rain today.  That would be a colossal giant happy chocolate-dipped-in-honey blessing.

1 comment:

c said...

Rain is nice occasionally. And i'll agree: 5 x 5 with 270 does sound boring. Like, the weight would just sit there stationary on my chest for 5 sets of 0 until i stopped breathing.