Monday, June 13, 2011

Forced reps

finally made it into the gym on Sunday to do Friday's bench workout.  I am having so much trouble finding motivation right now.  I've gone through this a thousand times and I know I can work through it, but I'm just tired of constantly having to force myself into the gym, but knowing that if I don't I'll just destroy myself in a bottle.  It's like I need to take a break from lifting for a while and find a new sport, but I haven't a clue what that would be.  I love lifting, but my head is so far from it right now.  Not to mention I'm apparently in a downward spiral towards weakness that is honestly depressing the crap out of me.  I can't figure out why I'm losing strength.  I've had plenty of bad days in the past, but this is getting ridiculous.

5 x 265
3 x 300
2 x 335

Put the log in the rack to do some flat bench with it.  Kind of a fun change up but I still hit a wall that pissed me off.  Did an easy set of ten with 175lbs.  Put 225 on and couldnt budge it off the pins.  I don't get it.  I need a bike I think.

------------------------------------------and later that day--------------------------------------------

Just writing this crap earlier today put me in a different frame of mind.  I still didn't want to go out in 103 degrees and do squats, but i felt like I had called myself out.  If anyone I know had told me they felt they way I wrote above, I would have immediately offered them some kind of vaginitis ointment.  So anyway, the squats went better.
360 x 5
410 x 3
460 x 3
Yip.  I tripled that which I could not pull of the ground once to save my life.  That was about it for the workout and I'm good with that.  I'm gunning for a hour run in the morning.  It'll probably be easier with semi-not trashed legs.


c said...

Dude. You have a soul! Now i know what you're thinking about me while i'm whining. But it sho' do purge the demons. That's what i was saying the other day: sometimes it's all right to fail at something you know you can do, cuz it lets you gauge how far from healed you are. Lets you know you've earned a pass. Or a change-up. Speaking of which, you should come up and climb with me a while. Climbing's a fine sport. Getcher toes and pingers strong.

c said...

And honestly 2 of 335 ain't 'xactly pathetic. i think you should invest in one of those Home Depot/Sam's Club 60" fans fer yer gym. 103 degrees is not healthy.

Pappa G said...

it's odd logic, but I sometimes feel like if I never dug myself a hole to fall into, I'd never be climbing upwards.