Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New cycle

New cycle started yesterday.  I changed up my main lifts.  Some are lighter, some are heavier.  Here's the breakdown of the substitutions:

Military Press --> Incline Bench
Deadlift --> Rack Pulls
Bench Press --> Floor Press
Squat --> High Box (bench) Squats

Last Night:
Incline Bench
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5

DB military 4 x 12
Side Raises 4 x 10

BB curls 4 x 12
Preacher curls 4 x 12ish

That's right.  I'm becoming a curl whore.  Cuz in the end, it's all about the gun show.


c said...

'S true: chicks dig the cannons. Can't fault a brotha for some curls (even though i'd never engage in that sort of behavior m'self.)

So when do you do the floor press? How often do you work the same bsic muscles?

Pappa G said...

You cycle four workouts over three days. It works out well becuase you never really overwork any musclegroup.

Mon: incline bench
Wed: Deadlift variation
Fri: Floor Press
Mon: Squat variation
Wed: Incline Bench
Fri: Deadlift variation
Mon: Floor Press
Wed: Squat variation

rinse and repeat. One cycle is 6 weeks.

Chase said...

Your just working on the guns because of all the office personnel calling you "that guy" and motioning to their biceps when we were traveling. You liked the attention, admit it!!!!!

Pappa G said...

guilty as charged.