Friday, May 14, 2010

This week was a suckhole.

So much for two weeks of super accumulation. More like one week of awesomeness followed by one week dedicated to tearing down all things positive from the previous week. I ran fever all night Sunday night. Slept till about 10am Monday morning and went to work. Felt like poo all day. No workout. Tuesday morning was a was cuz I was still exhausted from Monday. Tuesday evening I had to drive to Lubbock to check out a property. No workout Tuesday. Wed morning I was lazy. Wed afternoon I did Monday's squat workout. Nothing mind blowing, but it felt good to stretch and breath. I worked up to a final set of 5 w/375lbs. It was easy and I could have done more than five, but this week had already become a life sucking wormhole so I decided to stick with that theme and sand-bag it. Thursday morning - lazy. Thurs. afternoon I gave a sales pitch to a potential cash investor. This morning was pure sloth. I woke up at 5:30 and chose to lay there staring out the window for the next hour and half. I'm going to workout this afternoon, for sure. I think. Sheesh.
I think tomorrow I'm going to flip my tire while dragging my sled until I vomit as punishment for this week.



c said...

i dig, brutha'. i dig. Just tell yerself some weeks go like that, and don't let it grind you down. i did next to nothing productive this last week, and i went through about a can of Skoal while i rotted, so i did too long a run to flagellate me for my sins. Which wasn't a bad idea in retrospect. Jump back in there, man...shit happens. You don't lose fitness in a week. It's when that week turns into a month...

c said...

And for your amusement: i youtubed Bullet with Butterfly Wings from smashing pumpkins just before i got on here, and "This week was a suckhole" fits really nicely in instead of "the world is a vampire". Haha!

c said...

this week was a suckhole
Duhduhduh duh, duh, dum
sent to draiaiain
Dum dum dum Dum
secret destroyer
Duhuhduh duh, Dum, Dum.

Pappa G said...

nice. ;)