Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deadlifts yesterday. This is the last wave in this cycle then I'll deload for a week. After that, the weights move up.
5 x 350
3 x 405
3 x 445

Drug the sled to the highway and back this morning. I'm really loving that trip. Less brutal on my knees than running. Less gay than speed walking. Less money than a bike. I'm not sure anything can beat the sled.



c said...

Yeah, i can surely imagine that dragging a sled could be way more fun than...just about anything. Until i imagine, say, snaking the toilet with a heart rate monitor on. How's the camouflage spandex workout going? Videos in yet?

c said...

Holy crap! i didn't know you could even get a 2 yo to smoke! i think i'll see if i can get Katja to plug a dip in. That'd keep the boys away.