Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Inspired by the Uninspiring

So a Friend of mine whose name I shall not mention was telling me yesterday that his wife has wrangled him into working out with her doing the Barry's Bootcamp workout videos. He said he thought it was pretty gay, but that the workouts were challenging and his wife was super excited that he was willing workout with her. Don't get me wrong. I'm down with hubby/wifey TV workouts. If Meg wanted to pick up the complete boxed set of "Sexercise Yourself to Peak Physical Performance", I'd be all in. But, after checking out the website and reading a few reviews from the freaks in LA, I decided his assertion of its gayness was fairly astute. Perhaps douche-baggery would be more appropriate. Nevertheless, it inspired me to lift heavy stuff until I puked. Alas, I cannot puke. However, I walked around the house for a solid half hour retching and re-swallowing my protein shake. Close enough I suppose.

Standing overhead press:
115 x 5
130 x 3
145 x 10 (this needs some tweaking)

BW x 10
25 x 10
50 x 8
75 x 5
90 x 3
135 x 1
180 x 1 (mmm...meaty)

BB curlz:
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
125 x 5
125 x 5

Triceps pressdowns
blue band x 12 x 3

DB Row:
65 x 10 x 3


c said...

Tarnation! i'm gonna go do a dip with 185lbs strapped to me. i think it'll probably be Skoal.

c said...

Hot chicks with douchebags. "Baby, you get hot, and i will wear a spandex camouflage tank top."