Thursday, May 6, 2010


completed workout six this morning. Only three more to go to cap off the week. I'm dog tired and starting to get broken down, but surprisingly enough my energy levels are on the rise. I've going on a walk every morning after my workout. This morning I was a bit short on time so I decided to run from the house to the highway and walk back. I pushed it at about 80% the whole way and didn't die when I got there. So that's good. I missed two nights of sleep this week for various reasons, but I still haven't skipped a workout. Turns out that it's much easier to be tired when you're not hung over as well.
Yesterday's PM session
350 x 5
375 x 5
405 x 5
Again, I dropped my maxes down. I think by like 50lbs for the deadlift.
Pull thrus w/green band: 3 x 15
Situps: 3 x 25
"tossed" my big stone over the 48" platform five times I think. Added this last bit on because I still had some in the tank. It's really hard to pick up heavy crap from the ground when your abs and hamstrings are virtually non-existent.
The funny thing is, I think my hands are giving me the most pain in all of this. Not from muscular soreness, they're just flat out raw. I haven't held on to a bar this much in a very long time.


c said...

That's odd. i check this thing every day, and the posts haven't showed up this week. Conspiracy??

So is that the end of the super accumulation thang, then? Feeling better? Sounds like that should knock some rust off the pipes. i'll hafta call you and see how it went.

c said...

How'd it go then? Skinnier? Healthier? Softer liver?