Monday, May 17, 2010


So Sunday I tore it down right proper. did my military press workout that I missed on Friday. It wasn't so bad. Blew off a bit of steam, but our plans for the afternoon had fallen through so I found myself with some extra time. I decided to put together a 100lbs sled and drag it to the highway and back. We've been getting a lot of rain, so the road is mostly just a mud bog. I did think to put on my cleats which made the whole thing even sort of possible. In the end, the ONLY reason I survived was because it was overcast and not 100°. Oh, and I got a phone call halfway back that allowed me time to push my heart back in through an earhole. But I did sweat. Profusely. I looked like a walking sprinkler. That had to get some evil toxins out. Or not. Nevertheless, I felt like I had accomplished something when I got back and didn't black out. And a sense of accomplishment is all that really matters...

1 comment:

c said...

Yeah, that sounds like a really good time.