I just couldn't drag myself out of bed Wed morning. I went to sleep early enough, but when 5 came around I wasn't done snoozing. So I went in at noon.
Wed Nooner:
A1) Sumo deadlifts (sans belt):225 for five sets of six
A2)Hamstring curlz: heavy-ish for five sets of six
B1) Wide grip pullups: BW for five sets of six
B2)Dips: BW for five sets of six
Wed afternooner:
380 x 5
405 x 5
430 x 5 I hadn't really considered that the extra work would be destroying my grip strength. On the third rep of my last set I felt my palm ripping just at lockout. By the time I got it down there was just a huge hunk of flesh hanging on below my ring finger. So I did what anyone one do in that situation. I ganked off the piece of meat, threw a bar wrap on my right hand knocked out the last two reps in the set.
I manged to find some gauze and electrical tape to make a pad to finish out the session.
Upright rows: 4 sets of 10
BB shrugs: 4 sets of 10
Band pull-thrus: Didn't do these. Had nothing left for them.
weighted situps: a bunch.
Thurs: got up early, but it was tough. I'm really sleepy today, but I'm not nearly as sore as I should be. I think the extra protein and aminos are paying off.
A1)Front squats (Deep knee bend, no belt): 115lbs x 6 x 5 sets. It was light, but effective.
A2)Glute Ham Raises: BW for 5 sets of 6
B1)CG pullups: BW for 5 sets of 6
B2)Alternating DB bench: 65lbs for 5 sets of 6 (never done these before due to the gayness. Turns out they're brutal and keep you under tension for roughly twice the time as a normal set of db bench.)
Glad there's no workout this afternoon. I'm very tired. And hungry. think I'll eat now.
Naxty lookin' pingers there. That'll take care o' them baby butt hands o' yers. That sounds brutal so far. How long are you doin' this fer?
till the end of next week. then a full week off.
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