Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aberration: Chapter 2

I just couldn't drag myself out of bed Wed morning. I went to sleep early enough, but when 5 came around I wasn't done snoozing. So I went in at noon.

Wed Nooner:

A1) Sumo deadlifts (sans belt):225 for five sets of six

A2)Hamstring curlz: heavy-ish for five sets of six

B1) Wide grip pullups: BW for five sets of six

B2)Dips: BW for five sets of six

Wed afternooner:


380 x 5

405 x 5

430 x 5 I hadn't really considered that the extra work would be destroying my grip strength. On the third rep of my last set I felt my palm ripping just at lockout. By the time I got it down there was just a huge hunk of flesh hanging on below my ring finger. So I did what anyone one do in that situation. I ganked off the piece of meat, threw a bar wrap on my right hand knocked out the last two reps in the set.

I manged to find some gauze and electrical tape to make a pad to finish out the session.

Upright rows: 4 sets of 10

BB shrugs: 4 sets of 10

Band pull-thrus: Didn't do these. Had nothing left for them.

weighted situps: a bunch.

Thurs: got up early, but it was tough. I'm really sleepy today, but I'm not nearly as sore as I should be. I think the extra protein and aminos are paying off.

A1)Front squats (Deep knee bend, no belt): 115lbs x 6 x 5 sets. It was light, but effective.

A2)Glute Ham Raises: BW for 5 sets of 6

B1)CG pullups: BW for 5 sets of 6

B2)Alternating DB bench: 65lbs for 5 sets of 6 (never done these before due to the gayness. Turns out they're brutal and keep you under tension for roughly twice the time as a normal set of db bench.)

Glad there's no workout this afternoon. I'm very tired. And hungry. think I'll eat now.


c said...

Naxty lookin' pingers there. That'll take care o' them baby butt hands o' yers. That sounds brutal so far. How long are you doin' this fer?

Pappa G said...

till the end of next week. then a full week off.