Wednesday, April 22, 2009


OK. Just wanted to quickly post the high points of my last week on the 5/3/1 program I've been doing. Mostly to show that I haven't totaly been slacking off.

Incline bench:
245lbs x 5
255lbs x 3
275lbs x 0 (hungover, tired, and pissed off)
Not my best session

Rack Pulls:
425 x 5
475 x 3
505 x 4 (good one)
Felt so good on these I unloaded the bar and re-loaded to 505 on the floor. Pulled it to the bottem of my knee caps and stalled. Held it for about three really slow second and dropped it. I was disappointed, but it's still forward progress.

Two board press:
295 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 1 (I fought this one to the end and nailed it. Felt pretty good about that.)

Parallel box squat:
385 x 5
425 x 3
475 x 2 (Very heavy, but not everything I had. I've got more in me.)
That was on 4.5 hours of sleep and 100 degrees in the garage. Now that's healthy living!



c said...

Radical to the maximum. Define "parallel box squat" for me, eh.

Pappa G said...

It's a normal squat done down to a "box", or bench in my case, that is at the right depth for the top of your thighs to be parallel to the ground. There is a lot of argument that this is somehow cheating and that if you're not doing squats ATG (ass to grass) then you're not doing them correctly. They're wrong, of course. The strongest squaters in the world rarely do free squats. The box squat forces you to hit parallel, which the average lifter never gets close to. Also, it teaches good form by forcing you to sit back and activate the glutes and hamstrings. Not to mention it's hellish to get maximum weight moving without that little bounce you get at the bottom of a free squat. And to top that all off, I've quit injuring myself since I started using this technique which in turn gives me the confidence to load up more weight on the bar which, of course, makes me stronger, hornier, and happier.

c said...

"I'm not just the president of PBS Club for Men-- 3'm also a member."

Maybe i too would be stronger, happier and hornier if i did parallel box squats! Problem is i'm not even manly enough to do the squats.

And you'll be amused to learn that Homeland Security mo'fo's took my bottle opener Rick gave me. i can see why people choose to drive where they're going.

Pappa G said...

Tell me about it. Flying aint much fun anymore.

c said...

And i think the kids and i are coming down there for the weekend after i'm outta class tomorrow. Won't be there in time for the funeral i think, but we'll get to see everybody at least.

c said...

C'MON! Le's see them skin shots! Arooooo!