Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's officially official.

I ordered my V-Diet kit today! Hooray! Let the suffering begin.
Well it went like this: I just lived through one of the most unhealthy extended weekends of my life. I woke up this morning exhausted, weak, and struggling to get my jeans buttonted. Meg called me this morning and told me that we got our tax return. At the same time I was handed a healthy expense check for the traveling I've been doing and I'll get another one in a couple of days. Just those two expense checks will almost cover the whole cost. I figured I'd better jump on it while I got it. Anyhow, now that I've been liberated from nearly 600 bones I'm ready to beat myself into healthy submission. I'm sick of being fat. I'm sick of feeling like shit. And I'm sick of being weaker in every area of my life than I have the potential for.



R6Medic said...

dude... im with you 100%. I get paid on thursday, and I will order mine on friday morning. We will not touch beer, nor any poison for 28 days straight. I shall be your rock my brother! haha

c said...

Cewel. i order tomorrow. Very excited i am. i went climbing today after a week layoff, and i felt generally like a hale and hardy, strong-for-its-size walrus flopping my way 3/4 of the way up several routes. i could feel rust falling off'a me, and the mass of my gut had an inertia different from the rest of my body. 5.12 is comin' sucka! (and, uh, St. Peter.)