Thursday, March 19, 2009

weekend updates

Bryant, Sandy, Bryant's mom, and Sandy's mom all headed out for Dallas today. Sandy is having her breast reduction operation in the morning sometime. She's pretty stressed about it. But mostly, pray for Bryant. He's spending three days in Dallas with three women.

Also, I get on a plane at 7:30am tomorrow to fly to Calgary. I'll be back late Sunday night. Please toss up some prayers for the saftey of my peeps while I'm out and about.



c said...


R6Medic said...

turns out the trip wasn't bad. It was so bad that I wanted to jerk the wheel into a bridge embankment. To top it off we listened to the 60s all the way up there.

I volunteered to drive... turned on metallica and hit 85mph!! then I got reprimaned... had to turn off metallica and do 65...

here's my man card...

c said...
