Friday, February 6, 2009


This has been one bummer of a week. I managed to come down with some kind of wicked sinus infiection that had me knocked out for a couple of days. I finally feel somewhat normal again, but I've got to make up wed. workout today as well as squeeze in a deadlift workout this afternoon. I walked about a mile this morning with Meg. I'll do overhead presses at noon and pull after work. Overall, it should be a healthy day but I'm going to have to find time to eat a ton of food.
I'm hoping to get 3 clean reps with 200 lbs overhead. We'll see.
I'm flying to Houston on Monday and then to Lafayette, LA on Wed. Won't be home till Friday evening. It's going to be tricky working out during a week away, but I'm thinking I can surely find a gym somewhere in Houston to get in a good session. The problem is that where I always stay is right in the middle of one of the worst ghettos in Houston. The only gym close by that I know of is called Phat Fitness. Can you say "Kill Whitey!"? All the same, it could be interesting.
Please pray some protection over my clan while I'm away.

Cheers, yo!

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