Yesterday was good gym session. I ended up pulling 405 for seven reps. That's not exactly earth shattering, but the weight felt lighter than usual. That tells me that my grip is coming along and the heavy sled pulling is definatley helping my deadlift. I'm hoping I'll be able to pull 500 off the ground in the next couple of months. I don't expect it to be pretty, but I think I can get it done.
I'm thinking I'm going to pass on the strongman comp in Ft Worth this year. I just don't feel I'll be ready for it at the level I want to compete at. That's a horrible excuse, but I'm also piss broke if anyone needs a better one. I've done the thing where I've showed up 'ready or not' to compete just to get some experience on the platform. In fact, I've been doing that for the last several years. Now, I want to compete. I want to compete under 200 lbs and I want to win. I basically pissed off the entire last year anti-training. I feel like I've overcome many of the things that were dragging me down so now I've just got to stay focused. Besides, lifting heavy stuff is essentailly free. Which is about all the entertainment I can afford until I've got these bloody student loans knocked out.
I did get an email this morning that there may be a strongman comp in Albq in mid-May during the Scottish festival....that could be interesting. I wonder if I could squeeze in a strongman and highland games in one weekend?
dude, i wuz gonna say the Highlands games are comin' up here. Looks like it's may 16 & 17. Dunno which day the Games are on. You oughrter come up here fer it.
I think that's gonna be a done deal. Fo sho.
super phat... just keep me updated as to when... I'll buy a kilt.
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