Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow Miser

21 degrees in the gym this morning.  Took a bit of effort and a lot of coffee to get warm.
Squats: 5 x 375, 3 x 425, 2 x 475, 20 x 315
I might could of sqenched out another with 475 but I hadn't eaten yet and the second one juiced me pretty bad.  Would have been a total gamble that I was too cold to make.  Was warm (and dizzy) after the last set.
One leg squats: BW x 10 x 4
Sidebends: 65lbs x 10 x 4
Then  I nearly busted my arse walking across the lake of ice that was once my driveway.  It's an interesting feeling slipping around on ice when you have absolutely no strength left in the lower quadrant.
Let's see....Oh, I did bench on Saturday.  That went 270 x 5, 310 x 3, and 345 for an easy single.  Should've pushed out at least one more, but I was in a hurry to get to Abilene to see the new Twilgiht movie.  Well, OK.  Meg was in a hurry to see it for her birthday, and we were getting rid of the kids for the night, and I got a belt sander outta the deal for an early Christmas present.  Yay!

1 comment:

c said...

You know deep inside you think Edward is beautiful. i saw the first one. That was plenty. But i dig...it would've taken a lot more time to squeeze out another rep.

"Edward, marry me!! And eat me!!"

It's been a long time since i've had no strength left in my lower quadrant. Come to think of it, it's been a long time since i've used my lower half. The upper portion of my body seems to mysteriously float 3ish feet off the ground.

Nice workout though.

"Edward! O Edward! You sparkle so!"