Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good Juju

Deadlifts last night.  First time I can remember pulling from the ground in recent history.  Honestly, I cant remember the last time I did any pulling, but it went pretty well in spite.  Went 380 x 5, 400 x 5, 425 x 5.  then did 225lbs for 5 sets of 10 sans the belt.  That rubbed a blister on my soul.  Did some situps and some ab-roller thingys and called it good.
Bryant and I finished up tiling the bathroom floor.  I've gotta say that's it looking mighty fine.  Some day soon I'll have a bathroom worthy of getting naked and wet in.

...That last bit was for the search engines....I'm trying to up  my page hits.  :)


c said...

Ha! You live in a sick world, dude.

Chase said...

I'm sorry I read that.... Now I want to go scrub my brain with bleach...