Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm eight days out from the Tough Mudder.  I think its going to be a right good time.  Last night was overhead presses: 185 x 3, 200 x 3, 210 x 3.  I didn't really feel like lifting anymore after that so I took the sled with 100lbs out for a half mile walk to get the heart rate up for a few minutes.  It worked.  One hour run this morning.  I stayed on the pavement today.  My feet have been cramping up pretty bad and I think its because of the beating they're taking running on rocky lease roads.  I think I'm going to take tomorrow and Saturday off from running and hopefully do a run in A town on Sunday. 

Reminder: wet saw.  mountain bike.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


finally stacked enough workouts to have something to write about.  I'll start with this morning and see if I can work my way backwards to last Thursday.  50 min run this morning and then about a 20 min walk with the Megan.  Felt really slow, but it turned out to be just slightly slower than 10min miles (which by most standards is quite slow) and I'm OK with that at current weight.  Last night was squats: 420 x 3, 445 x 3, and 470 x 3.  The last set was sloppy, but I'm pretty sure I hit depth on all three and called it good.  Wanted five, but it just wasn't there.  followed that up with a few sets of body weight one leg squats and hanging leg lifts.  Then spun on the stationary bike a medium/hard pace for about ten minutes.  I stayed pretty active through the weekend working in the yard.  The highlight was carry 320lbs of concrete from the barn to the house and mixing it all with a shovel.  Great ab workout.  Friday night was bench.  Did five sets of 10 reps with 235lbs.  Talk about mundane.  Anyway, my titties were pretty soar yesterday so it had to do some good.  Thursday night was deadlifts from the Andy Bolton "How to pull a grand" program.  Worked up to a set of 5 with 385lbs.  Seemed kind of lame a the time and seems even more so now writing down.  However, this was the first time I've pulled from the ground in several weeks.  It's too early to tell whether the heavy rack pulls have any crossover value at all.  If nothing else, I think my grip has gotten stronger for  the effort.  slightly less than two weeks out from the Tough Mudder.  Check this out:

Tough Mudder Colorado 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


After a poo then a run and then another poo, I was back down to 212.5 this morning.  This is good.  I wanted to be closer to 200 by now, but I'm not complaining.  The weight that I've lost thus far appears to be real and not just a water dump.  Did militaries last night: 170 x 5, 180 x 5, 195 x 5.  Then did five sets of ten (militaries) with 100lbs and about 40 pullups in several sets between.  It was a pretty vanilla workout, but it did the job.  This morning I ran my five mile loop.  its starting to get chilly out before the sun comes up so I got to put on my beanie today.  Kind of nice to start breaking out the cool weather gear.  Of course it was a sopping wet sweat rag by the time I got back to the house, but it made feel cool all the same.  beanies and full beards go really well together.  Especially when running down a country road in west texas when its pitch black out.  Its only a matter of time before some farmer bumps me off to make sure I'm not a serial killer or al-qaeda.

Friday, September 16, 2011


got in some squat action last night.  It was naught more than an odious reprisal for sandbagging this entire week.  it was a weird one for sure.  for one thing, it was about 60 degrees out.  Not that i'm complaining, but I'm not so used to working out with a wind chill factor. the working sets went like this: 385 x 5, 410 x 5, 435 x 5.  The weight didn't feel terribly heavy, I just couldn't find any explosive drive.  More hydraulic than springy.  Anyhow, I was completely spent after the squats.  I tried some rack pulls but I just wasn't feeling it.  So I left.  I couldn't get to sleep until around 2am which made for a glorious run-free morning.  and I've somehow managed to pack on 9 lbs of bloat and poo over the last two days.  I don't even know how that's possible.  I don't know if true that "scales don't lie", but either way mine is a dirty bastard.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Slow week

this week has been dreadfully boring.  I've gotten a few things done around the house, but my workouts have been almost non existent.  finally got a bench workout in Tuesday evening.  Warmed up to five sets of five with 270.  I hope this cycle I'm doing actually improves my bench.  So far it's been a little challenging, but mostly just boring.  Did a half hour run at a pretty good pace Tuesday morning.  Perhaps tonight I'll get in squats and deads.  I've definitely gotta get back out on the highway and put some more miles in this week.  Looks like we might actually get some rain today.  That would be a colossal giant happy chocolate-dipped-in-honey blessing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Well, there it is.

1:38:25 run.  Beautiful morning for it.  Happy Saturday all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week of it

Not a bad week so far.  The holiday on Monday through us a bit, but I'm back on track.  bit short on running so far this week.  Tuesday was bench press.  Went 5 x 5 with 250.  Seemed easy at the time, but my boobies are sufficiently traumatized now.  Did my five mile run in 48 min Wed morning.  That was a nice surprise cuz I had a lot of trouble getting warmed up.  then did squats and deads Wed evening.  Squats: 380 x 5, 425 x 3, 475 x 2.  475 felt like a ton.  I'm loving the running, but I don't think its improving my squats.  Rack pulls went: 4 sets of 5 w/ 405, then a double with 505.  Three sets of 5 speed deads with 245.  Not a bad day of it.  My right leg actually took a vacation a bit later and I nearly fell on my face.  It was like "F you, buddy!  I'm done." in mid-stride.  Pretty funny.  so I didn't run this morning but we did get up and do an upper back an ab workout.  Nothing real heavy, just fun and pumpy body weight stuff.  Meg is really starting to get into it.  She still doesn't dig the morning stuff, but she's playing along.  Should be a short run in the morning and then militaries tomorrow afternoon.  I'm hoping to get a 1:40 run this weekend.  Cheers, ya'll.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Did a half hour run this morning.  that 1.5hr run on Wed did a number on my right knee.  Just inflammation, but it's slowed me down the last couple of days.  Anyhoot, Ma and Pa Kettle are coming down for the weekend.  Please pray for my health!  Yeah, that's about all I got so I'm posting up some pics of a bookshelf I painted for the boys school room.  Haven't painted anything in a coon's age.  Still kinda fun.