Friday, August 5, 2011

Re-do. again.

so after several months (the last two weeks being the exception) of actively evaluating my progress in the gym I've decided to make some drastic changes to my program and actually map it our for the next 16 weeks.  I will continue doing the 5,3,1 program for squats and military presses.  I'm still making steady strength gains in these two lifts and I figure there is no reason to fix something that doesn't appear to be broken.  My bench and deadlift have been stalled for a couple of years now.  That's due in part to a lack of motivation, but I think that lack of motivation has been due to a lack of progress.  Whatever.  I love the 5,3,1 program in its beautiful simplicity, but I feel like complicating it a bit.  Recently, Andy Bolton posted up a 16 wk deadlift program and Matt Kroc posted a 16 wk bench routine.  I'm gonna gank'em both and toss them into my training salad.  Kroc's bench program looks pretty fun.  He throws in some high rep days that should keep it interesting and painful.  sometimes it can be daunting knowing that every day you go in the gym to lift, the weights are going to be heavier than the last time.  Bolton's deadlift program caught my attention because it has 8 weeks of speed work leading up to the actual heavy pulling from the floor.  I've never worked speed off the floor in a deadlift and I think that could definitely be holding me back.  Often I've missed weights that I know I could lift just because I couldn't get the bar moving.  I'm sticking with three days a week cuz it works, but I'm going to break the four workout rotation so can better structure my running days.  Monday is international bench press day at gyms around the world, so why not?  Monday will be bench day.  Wed I'll squat and deadlift.  Yes, that will blow.  Friday will be military presses.  Wed will be a long session, but I know its also the day that I'm least likely to miss.  So here it is. Let me know what you think.
RP = Rack pull
SP = Speed pull


R6Medic said...

that looks gnarly my brother! I like it!

c said...

Deeyang! Squats sound like those'd plumb suck. And the deads look pretty brutal. All the reading's got me wanting to do speed work on deads. (Seems kinda goofy though since i've been working at it for all of 8 weeks now.)525's a pretty big bump ain't it? i know you've said you got 505 pretty easy, but i don't remember you mentioning any bigger number. But the bench doesn't look like it ever gets very heavy (for you). Hadn't you been nudging the very high 300s? How does that work?

Pappa G said...

yeah, it’s going to be a very different bench cycle for me. But what I’ve been doing isn't really getting me anywhere. I figure if nothing else I should get some hypertrophy from this that will accommodate more strength when I go back to pushing the big singles.
I've pulled 515 clean. I think if I can stay consistent, 525 should be a pretty conservative goal.