Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blue Cheese and scrambled eggs.

Had this nice little combo of Blue cheese crumbles in my scramble this morning.  Probably the first time ever I couldn't finish four eggs.  I tried this with feta not long ago and it was quite nice.  I just couldn't shovel this combo down after a hard run this morning.  Didn't taste so bad, I just couldn't make myself swallow it.  maybe a brunch type dish...I don't know.  So now I've an hour till lunch and I'm starving.
Did a pretty rad squat workout on Saturday. Worked up to 430 for 5 then we drug the sled for about five sets in the heat.  Monday was militaries to kick off the the 5/3/1 cycle of this program.  160 x 5, 180 x 3, 200 x 5.  Got up and ran this morning.  I was pretty sluggish to start, but picked up the pace and got in just over five miles in 1 hour.  I completely forgot to goldbond my yam sack, so I'm sure I'll be reaping the consequences of that oversight for a few days.  "I am the Fire Starter!"   Happy Wed. everyone.


R6Medic said...

i would imagine that eggs and bleu would be rather rich in flavour. I've had a bleu bacon burger, and it was gnarly, but vur rich. I mighta yacked eatin that after the run

and my sympathies for your hairy bean bag

c said...

Daggum! Tha's a perty good workout.