Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Couple days of it

Monday was squat day.
370 x 3
420 x 2
470 x 3
And then a buch of other stuff.
Drug the sled w/90lbs half a mile this morning.  Had to break the second quarter up into intervals.  My legs were fried.  Standing Millitaries tonight.  Yay!


c said...

Sweet. How'd that thar set with 470 feel? Pretty good, yah?

Makes my kneecaps quiver to think about. Yuck.

Pappa G said...

you know, it wasn't that bad. My squats are the only lift that is improving at the moment. Oh, and my millitary press. But seriously, who cares about that one?

c said...

Sounds like the deads are too. Kudos on the 3 x 490. That is a bunch of iron.