Friday, December 3, 2010

A prost! to Friday

I wish.
Bench press:
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 8
280 x 5
315 x 3
355 x 1
I really had hoped to double 355 but I just didn't have it in me although it wasn't much of a fight to get the single.  It seems that my bench will remain stalled for a while longer.  Maybe now that most of my travels are ore' I can focus on the lift.
On a side note, I discovered my favorite protien ever.  I'd been wanting to try "Just Protien" from IronMind for quite a while but it always seemed expensive.  A shade under $60 for five pounds.  When I thought about it I realized its not any more pricey than anything else I've taken, its just that I usually buy 2.5lbs at a time.  So I dropped the quid and gave it a shot.  I love this stuff!  It tastes great (no sweetners of any kind), mixed easy and has a nice thick texture.  Best of all, it took roughly two seconds to memorize the ingredients list:
Calcium caseinate, powdered skim milk, powdered eggs, almond and vanilla extracts.  MMMmmmmm. 

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