Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why Strong Abs are important to Bench

I decided to do my 3x3 session for bench today. On my final set of three with 325lbs. I chose to go for 8. Yeah, that left a mark. F' it. I only know one way to get stronger. Push harder than you think you can. I'm off to Houston. Peace out.


c said...

Dude. Careful out there. That sounds like a ...painful workout. Can't really wrap my head around doing 1x1 with 325, so going ahead and doing 8 doesn't properly register.

Oh, and i should'a fixed m' blog. And good job on the running. Keep that up.

c said...

Video didn't pop up at first. Just saw it. That's a helluva lotta weet. Dang. i could workout to some SOaD. i pushed 2 sets of 5 with 175 with White Lion cranked to almost audible decibels. Yessiree--you wanna talk about riding the rage...

Pappa G said...

iPod. Seriously. invest in some good earbuds.

R6Medic said...

looks like you about smushed your vienna sausage