Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deadlifts yesterday. This is the last wave in this cycle then I'll deload for a week. After that, the weights move up.
5 x 350
3 x 405
3 x 445

Drug the sled to the highway and back this morning. I'm really loving that trip. Less brutal on my knees than running. Less gay than speed walking. Less money than a bike. I'm not sure anything can beat the sled.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Inspired by the Uninspiring

So a Friend of mine whose name I shall not mention was telling me yesterday that his wife has wrangled him into working out with her doing the Barry's Bootcamp workout videos. He said he thought it was pretty gay, but that the workouts were challenging and his wife was super excited that he was willing workout with her. Don't get me wrong. I'm down with hubby/wifey TV workouts. If Meg wanted to pick up the complete boxed set of "Sexercise Yourself to Peak Physical Performance", I'd be all in. But, after checking out the website and reading a few reviews from the freaks in LA, I decided his assertion of its gayness was fairly astute. Perhaps douche-baggery would be more appropriate. Nevertheless, it inspired me to lift heavy stuff until I puked. Alas, I cannot puke. However, I walked around the house for a solid half hour retching and re-swallowing my protein shake. Close enough I suppose.

Standing overhead press:
115 x 5
130 x 3
145 x 10 (this needs some tweaking)

BW x 10
25 x 10
50 x 8
75 x 5
90 x 3
135 x 1
180 x 1 (mmm...meaty)

BB curlz:
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
125 x 5
125 x 5

Triceps pressdowns
blue band x 12 x 3

DB Row:
65 x 10 x 3

Monday, May 17, 2010


So Sunday I tore it down right proper. did my military press workout that I missed on Friday. It wasn't so bad. Blew off a bit of steam, but our plans for the afternoon had fallen through so I found myself with some extra time. I decided to put together a 100lbs sled and drag it to the highway and back. We've been getting a lot of rain, so the road is mostly just a mud bog. I did think to put on my cleats which made the whole thing even sort of possible. In the end, the ONLY reason I survived was because it was overcast and not 100°. Oh, and I got a phone call halfway back that allowed me time to push my heart back in through an earhole. But I did sweat. Profusely. I looked like a walking sprinkler. That had to get some evil toxins out. Or not. Nevertheless, I felt like I had accomplished something when I got back and didn't black out. And a sense of accomplishment is all that really matters...

Friday, May 14, 2010

This week was a suckhole.

So much for two weeks of super accumulation. More like one week of awesomeness followed by one week dedicated to tearing down all things positive from the previous week. I ran fever all night Sunday night. Slept till about 10am Monday morning and went to work. Felt like poo all day. No workout. Tuesday morning was a was cuz I was still exhausted from Monday. Tuesday evening I had to drive to Lubbock to check out a property. No workout Tuesday. Wed morning I was lazy. Wed afternoon I did Monday's squat workout. Nothing mind blowing, but it felt good to stretch and breath. I worked up to a final set of 5 w/375lbs. It was easy and I could have done more than five, but this week had already become a life sucking wormhole so I decided to stick with that theme and sand-bag it. Thursday morning - lazy. Thurs. afternoon I gave a sales pitch to a potential cash investor. This morning was pure sloth. I woke up at 5:30 and chose to lay there staring out the window for the next hour and half. I'm going to workout this afternoon, for sure. I think. Sheesh.
I think tomorrow I'm going to flip my tire while dragging my sled until I vomit as punishment for this week.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


completed workout six this morning. Only three more to go to cap off the week. I'm dog tired and starting to get broken down, but surprisingly enough my energy levels are on the rise. I've going on a walk every morning after my workout. This morning I was a bit short on time so I decided to run from the house to the highway and walk back. I pushed it at about 80% the whole way and didn't die when I got there. So that's good. I missed two nights of sleep this week for various reasons, but I still haven't skipped a workout. Turns out that it's much easier to be tired when you're not hung over as well.
Yesterday's PM session
350 x 5
375 x 5
405 x 5
Again, I dropped my maxes down. I think by like 50lbs for the deadlift.
Pull thrus w/green band: 3 x 15
Situps: 3 x 25
"tossed" my big stone over the 48" platform five times I think. Added this last bit on because I still had some in the tank. It's really hard to pick up heavy crap from the ground when your abs and hamstrings are virtually non-existent.
The funny thing is, I think my hands are giving me the most pain in all of this. Not from muscular soreness, they're just flat out raw. I haven't held on to a bar this much in a very long time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bout' ta get ILL

So yesterday was successfull in many ways. I drug my arse out of bed before 6am. In the gym by 6 for super accumulation torture numero uno. Made it through that with some difficulty, but nothing world wrecking. then had time for a walk down the road and a prayer. Very nice mornig to boot. the cool thing about this program is that you're never doing max work in the mornings. You take two super-sets targeting apposing muscle groups, make em count, and you're done. You get out entirely what you put in. This works out well becuae I can reserve some fuel for my heavy workouts every other evening.
It's pretty easy to conclude that nine iron sessions in 6 days is very tiring. However, I think my biggest challenge, at least in the beginning will be convincing myself to fall asleep. This always happens when I quit drinking. I can count on it. I went to bed at 10:30. Dozed off around 2am. woke up for every hour on the clock after. Finally got up around 5:45 to workout. No use lying in bed doing nothing productive! On a positive note, the lack of sleep doesn't affect me nearly as much when I'm not drinking. Gonna have to get me some of that Zx12 stuff.
The afternoon workouts are much as they have been except that I lowered my maxes on every lift. I've decided to take a very conservative approach and try to perfect each lift while ramping the weight up over the course of a year.

Day 1:
Standing millitary (with log, in sand)
105 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 10 (ok , so maybe this was a bit light, but it will get heavy soon enough)

This morning went well. Lots of front squats, chin-ups, DB bench, and hammy curls. would have been better with some sleep, but I'm not gonna start complaining. Just feels good to be moving again.
No workout this afternoon.

cheers, yo.