Thursday, February 25, 2010

You inspire me.

So this morning I crawled outta bed all ispired to get my sweat on. Drug me sled around the track once. there was no frost or snow this morning to reduce the friction so I actually had to work at it. Turned out to be a great warmup. By the time I made it back around to my gym I had decided that lifting heavy would be easier than towing that beast around again. and besides, I was getting really tired of all the breathing. I went in with now limited time and decided to pull heavy. I set the pins up just below my knees and ended up pulling just over 545 for a single and new pr. I think I'm going to work that weight down the pin heights until I can pull it off the ground. That's about all I accomplished this morning, but I'm feeling it now. I'm starting to get used to getting up in the mornings again. I'd forgotten how much I love working out hard first thing in the AM. It always seems to make for an easy day when you challenge yourself at the start. Cheers.

1 comment:

c said...

Wow. That's kinda' inspiring, itself. That's some weight, 545. i did not lift 545 at the gaypurpledoucheygym yesterday; but i did do a set of 4 pulldowns with 260 (which was all the iron they had on the gayguy cable machine) for what might well be the gym's pr. And with no warmup. So...booyah, or whatever. Nice lift. Keep edging that floorward. Won't even take you long, i'd bet.