Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Had a pretty good go in the gym yesterday. Worked out solo, which is nice occasionally. It always give me a chance to step back and evaluate my form. Not to mention, I usually punish myself far worse when I'm alone because there is no one there to see me fail.

Bench: 295 x 3, 315 x 3, 330 x 5

Floor presses: 225 x 10, 245 x 10 x 2

Supersetted 3 sets of 20 pushups with 3 sets of 12 DB incline bench. Kept the db's light at 40lbs but tried to focus on moving them as quick as possible through the concentric portion of the lift.

My ta-ta's were fried after this.

Finished up with some skull crushers lying on the floor. I've been doing most exercises that would be done lying on a bench on the floor. It gives your shoulders a wider platform to stabilize on and it allows for less "body" motion which means you can't cheat and there's less change of getting off balance and hurting yourself. It also limits the range of motion in your shoulders. This is generally a good thing when working with dumbbells. Try doing DB flys lying on the ground. You can do more weight with your chest because your shoulders don't get jacked.


c said...

i'm gunna try doing db rows on the floor. i'll let you know how that goes.

c said...

Seriously though, i've been meaning to try some o' that, so i'm glad you brought it up. i think i'll try to give some floor press/flys a go this weekend.

Pappa G said...

Kewel. Let me know how that goes.

R6Medic said...

gee... Wish someone woulda told me that before going back in the house!!