Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Going to a presidentail rally with an AK on my back!

I think that would be an excellent title for a song. Could be country or rock.
So! We're doing two board presses instead of full bech presses on this cylce. Decided to test them yesterday for a single to get our precentages for the rest of the workouts. To my utter delight, I manged a clean 405. Four more inches of travel and I'll claim a 400lb bench press. I'm pretty excited about that.

The rest of the session went like this:

Close grip bench:
135 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 10
225 x 10

BW x 3 x failure

DB flys (on floor)
35 x 10
45 x 10 x 2
50 x 10
doing these on the floor destroyed my chest and saved my shoulders. Good mojo.

Tricep pressdowns: 2 sets of 20. medium/light weight.


c said...

That's cool. There'd be a lot less crime, in my opinion, if every state had open carry laws. Who knows?

Anyhow, i'm rooting for you to push 400. i mean, when i say, "Look man! Don't mess with me--my brother can bench, like, you know, over 300 lbs!" people all roll their eyes and just beat me up. But if i could say, "Watch it, pansy! my brother can bench 400!" i think they'd all run away in terror.

Pappa G said...

You should be a motivational speaker.

c said...


c said...

Oh, and a 2x6 ain't actually 2 inches thick. They're 1.5 in. thick. That means you only gots 3 more inches to travel. How's that for motivational speaking?