Never have I sweated like I did yesterday. Manly session it was.
102 degrees
Humidity: 1000%
Wind: none
Overhead Press:
5 x 195
5 x 205
5 x 220
Upright Row: 4 sets of 6
DB Military: 4 sets of 12
Rear Lateral: 4 sets of 8
DB Curls: 4 sets of 12
I laid down on the concrete and made sweat angels.
i'm thinking of the li'l sweat impressions of armpit hair in yer sweat angels. Haha. For my part, i've spent the larger part of a week growing plump. i still cling tenaciously to my small dream of climbing somewhere up here.
I'm guessing you haven't made it to Yosimite yet.
Make it happen man! Surely you can find something worth hanging off of in California.
:-) Tuolumne, baby.
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