Thursday, July 9, 2009

Del Fuego

Deadlift Day! Hooray!

380 x 5
405 x 5
430 x 5
(Mike and I are now doing the same weights on deads. It was kind of fun to see who could rip them up with the most style. (I won.))

Chin ups: 4 X 10 BW

DB rows: 4 x 15 light weight

Band pull thrus: 4 x 15 Average Band

weighted sit ups: 4 x 10 45lbs

Finished strong with a lot more sweat action. Mike got the deadlift flu and blew chunks. Blamed me for making him throw up post workout now for the second time.


c said...

cool. That's a lotta weight still.

c said...

you keeping up with the tour de france? good times.

Pappa G said...

didn't even know it was going on.