Monday, May 11, 2009

Num num

Pork tenderloin, spinach salad, slice tomatoes with feta and basil, grilled broccoli with squash and zucchini, deviled eggs. My, Oh My! That meal just nearly put me into a coma. The V-challenge was much less challenging this go around. I was still soaking wet and standing with my head in the AC when it was over, but there was little fear of blacking out or puking this time. In fact, I felt pretty energized, considering that we played six straight hours of paintball on Saturday and I could barely crawl out of bed Sunday morning. I'm still pretty happy with progress so far. I'm a bit concerned that I'm losing some strength, specifically in my primary lifts. But I don't think it will be much and I'm sure it will come back real quick. At least I hope so. I'll have roughly one month to prepare for this strongman comp. M' gonna have to make the most of it.

1 comment:

c said...

Well that sounds healthier than pizza. And you'll get it back. Besides, it's like we discussed: if you lose a li'l strength on yer core lifts cuz of it, but weigh 20 lbs. less, then you're still picking up more weight, (or it shouldn't take much to get to that point). Hang in there.